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- Addressing gaps in the US EPA Lead and Copper Rule: Developing guidance and improving citizen science tools to mitigate corrosion in public water systems and premise plumbingKriss, Rebecca Boyce (Virginia Tech, 2023-06-21)Lead and copper in drinking water are known to pose aesthetic and health concerns for humans and pets. The United States Environmental Protection Agency (US EPA) Lead and Copper Rule (LCR) set 90th percentile action levels for lead (15 ppb) and copper (1.3 mg/L), above which utilities must implement systemwide corrosion control. However, gaps in the US EPA LCR leave at least 10% of residents using municipal water and all private well users vulnerable to elevated lead and copper in their drinking water. To help address these gaps in the LCR, this dissertation 1) Evaluates accuracy of at-home lead in water test kits to help residents identify lead problems, 2) Refines orthophosphate corrosion control guidance to help reduce cuprosolvency, 3) Identifies challenges to mitigating cuprosolvency by raising pH, and 4) Develops guidance that can help residents assess and address cuprosolvency problems. Lead in drinking water can pose a variety of health concerns, particularly for young children. The revised LCR will still leave many residents unprotected from elevated lead in their drinking water and potentially wondering what to do about it. Many consumers concerned about lead may choose to purchase at-home lead in water test kits, but there is no certification authority to ensure their accuracy. Most off-the-shelf tests purchased in this work (12 of 16) were not able to detect dissolved or particulate lead at levels of concern in drinking water (i.e. near the lead action level of 15 ppb) due to high detection limits (5,000-20,000 ppb). Binary type tests, which indicate the presence or absence of lead based on a trigger threshold of 15 ppb, were often effective at detecting dissolved lead, but they failed to detect the presence of leaded particles that often cause high lead exposures in drinking water problems. Some of these problems detecting particles could be reduced using simple at-home acid dissolution with weak household acids such a vinegar or lemon juice. Our analysis points out the strengths and weaknesses of various types of at-home lead in water tests, which could be particularly important considering potential distrust in official results in the aftermath of the Flint Water Crisis. Elevated cuprosolvency, or copper release into drinking water, can be an aesthetic concern due to fixture staining, blue water, and green hair and can pose health concerns for residents and pets. In addition to the general gaps in the LCR described above, compliance sampling in the LCR focuses on older homes at highest risk of elevated lead, rather than the newer homes at highest risk of elevated copper. Problems with elevated copper can sometimes go undetected as a result. Guidance was developed to help proactive utilities address cuprosolvency issues through the addition of orthophosphate corrosion inhibitors or pH adjustment as a function of a water's alkalinity. Linear regressions developed from pipe cuprosolvency tests (R2>0.98) determined a "minimum" orthophosphate dose or a "minimum" pH for a given alkalinity that was expected to almost always reduce copper below the 1.3 mg/L EPA action level in a reasonable length of time. The subjective nature of the terms "almost always" and "reasonable length of time" were quantitatively discussed based on laboratory and field data. Orthophosphate addition was generally very effective at cuprosolvency control. Orthophosphate treatment in copper tube cuprosolvency tests produced cuprosolvency below the action level within the first week of treatment. As expected, orthophosphate treated waters sometimes resulted in higher long-term cuprosolvency than the same waters without orthophosphate corrosion control treatment. This is consistent with the formation of phosphate scales which have an intermediate solubility between the cupric hydroxide in new pipes and the malachite or tenorite scales expected in pipe aging without orthophosphate. A linear regression (R2>0.98) was used to determine the orthophosphate dose needed for a given alkalinity to yield copper below the 1.3 mg/L action level in the pipe segments with the highest, 2nd highest, 3rd highest copper concentrations (100th, 95th, or 90th percentile, n=20 replicates, five each from four manufacturers) after 4 or 22 weeks of pipe aging. This regression was generally in good agreement with a bin approach put forth in the 2015 Consensus Statement from the National Drinking Water Advisory Council, but in some cases the regression predicted that higher orthophosphate doses would be needed. In contrast, due to the greater complexity of the reactions involved, a similar simplistic approach for pH adjustment is not widely applicable. A linear regression predicted that higher "minimum" pH values would be needed to control cuprosolvency compared to those suggested by the 2015 National Drinking Water Advisory Consensus Statement. Results indicate that factors such as the potential for calcite precipitation, pipe age, and significant variability in cuprosolvency from pipes of different manufacturers may warrant further research. Field LCR monitoring data indicated that 90th percentile copper concentrations continued to decline over a period of years or decades when orthophosphate is not used, and our laboratory results demonstrate a few cases where copper levels even increased with time. Consideration of confounding effects from other water quality parameters such as natural organic matter, silica, and sulfate would be necessary before the "minimum" pH criteria could be broadly applied. Guidance was then developed to help address cuprosolvency issues on a single building or single home basis for residents with private wells or those with high copper in municipal systems meeting the LCR. A hierarchy of costs and considerations for various interventions are discussed including replumbing with alternative materials, using bottled water or point use pitcher, tap, or reverse osmosis filters to reduce copper consumption, and using whole house interventions like more conventional orthophosphate addition and pH adjustment, or unproven strategies like granular activated carbon filtration, reverse osmosis treatment, and ion exchange treatment. Laboratory and citizen science testing demonstrated that some inexpensive at-home tests for pH and copper, were accurate enough to serve as inputs for this guidance and could empower consumers to diagnose their problems and consider possible solutions. Citizen science field testing and companion laboratory studies of potential interventions indicate that short-term (<36 weeks) use of pH adjustment, granular activated carbon, anion exchange and reverse osmosis treated water were not effective at forming a protective scale for the resident's water tested. In this case-study, cuprosolvency problems were ultimately related to water chemistry and linked to variability in influent water pH. Overall, this work highlighted weaknesses in the current US EPA Lead and Copper Rule. It attempted to close some of these gaps by assessing the accuracy of at-home citizen science tests for lead and copper detection and developing guidance to support voluntary interventions by utilities or consumers. Ideally, local authorities (utilities, health departments, cooperative extension programs) could adapt this guidance to account for local water quality considerations and support consumers in resolving cuprosolvency issues. This guidance may also serve as a citizen science approach that some consumers could use to make decisions on their own. Future work could extend and improve on these initial efforts.
- Practical Application of NSF/ANSI 53 Lead Certified Filters: Investigating Lead Removal, Clogging and Consumer ExperiencePurchase, Jeannie Marie (Virginia Tech, 2022-02-17)NSF/ANSI 53 lead-certified point-of-use filters (POUs) have been distributed to consumers in many cities facing water lead crises, including Washington D.C., Flint, MI, Newark, NJ, and University Park, IL. It is expected that these filters would reduce water lead to levels that are safe for consumption as residents wait for municipalities to provide more permanent solutions (e.g., corrosion control, lead service line replacement). These filters are certified by the National Sanitation Foundation (NSF) after meeting the challenges of treating two lab synthesized waters with 150 μg/L of soluble and particulate lead. In Flint, as in Washington, there were initial concerns that the filters would not be effective when exposed to lead levels far above the NSF/ANSI 53 150 μg/L Pb level used for certification. However, the EPA conducted a 2016 study in Flint, MI, with over 240 homes with lead up to 4080 μg/L, revealing that all POUs reduced lead levels below 1 μg/L. Newark, NJ, in response to Lead and Copper Rule (LCR) violations, distributed over 40,000 NSF/ANSI 53 lead-certified pitcher and faucet POUs to protect consumers from high water lead levels. In the summer of 2019, preliminary tests in some homes with the highest lead in water concentrations revealed that 2 of 3 POUs used in Newark had effluent lead levels above 15 μg/L. The publication of these results caused citywide angst, distrust, and EPA mandated a switch to bottled water. However, a later and more extensive study revealed that 97.5% of homes (n=198) with properly used filters had effluent lead levels below 10 μg/L. As a result, the EPA approved Newark's request to discontinue bottled water distribution and only provide POUs to residents. Nevertheless, the experience indicated that it is vital to understand the limitations of POUs. This dissertation comprises three manuscripts that examine the efficacy of POUs under laboratory and field conditions. The first manuscript sought to provide perspective into potential causes of the filter failures observed in the field. We conducted an extensive laboratory investigation that examined the performance of 10 pitcher and faucet POU brands under extreme conditions (e.g., up to 200% of rated capacity, influent lead levels ≈ 1000 μg/L). Our tests confirmed successful performance documented in some field testing and replicated underperformance observed in others. In this investigation, we observed structural failures due to poor manufacturing (i.e., leaking units, a filter with a large hole in the media) and performance failures (filtered water >10 μg/L Pb). Some of the performance failures occurred when we tested particulate lead waters, which we created, proving to be very difficult to treat relative to those used for NSF/ANSI testing. While the POUs almost always reduce consumer lead exposure, even when operated beyond their rated capacity, this study highlights instances where treated water could far exceed 10 μg/L lead. High particulate iron (Fe) and manganese (Mn) concentrations often co-occur with high lead in many low-income, rural communities with small community water systems (CWS) or in homes with private wells. These communities are more likely to depend on POUs for protection from waterborne lead as they typically do not have the funds to maintain and upgrade infrastructure, improve corrosion control, or replace service lines. Waters with high levels of Fe and Mn could potentially impact the performance of the POU lead filters. However, such problems would not be detected in NSF/ANSI certification testing because these constituents are not included within the test water. The second manuscript validated anecdotal reports of premature POU failure due to clogging in rural communities with high iron concentrations in their water. POU pitcher filters were tested with waters containing high lead and iron up to 100% of their rated capacity, or until they clogged as defined by a 75% reduction in initial flowrate. Iron levels above the 0.3 mg/L Secondary Maximum Contaminant Level (SMCL) resulted in rapid clogging, markedly increasing treatment costs, and decreasing consumer satisfaction. At 0.3 mg/L Fe, half of the 6 POU filters tested were clogged at between 38-68% of their rated capacity. When considering the cost of using POU filters vs. purchasing bottled water, the POU devices were often more cost-effective at iron levels at or below 0.3 mg/L. However, as iron concentrations increased, bottled water often became cost-effective depending on the circumstance. The presence of iron did not have an adverse effect on lead removal but significantly affected the cost and reduced flow rates in treating water. The third manuscript presents a two-phase field study that sought to monitor the long-term filter performance in residential homes in New Orleans and Enterprise, LA. Previous field studies have captured POU removal efficiencies in single event (grab) samples; however, this study quantified filter performance for all the water treated up to POU practical capacity (i.e., filter life) based on consumer judgment regarding acceptable flow rate. The first phase was a rigorously controlled study that tested the POUs (100-gal capacity) at up to 200% of their rated capacity in two New Orleans unoccupied homes. Historically, the first home had consistently high lead levels (10-25 μg/L) even after flushing for > 8 min. Duplicate POUs treated that water to below 5 μg/L at up to 100% capacity, with only two exceptional samples with 12 μg/L Pb in 10-gallon batches of the treated water. The second home had a disturbed lead service line (LSL), resulting in varying concentrations of influent particulate lead ranging from 9-3000 μg/L. The duplicate POUs had difficulty producing water lead levels <10 μg/L before reaching filter capacity, with eight exceedances prior to 100% capacity. This work demonstrated that flushing alone for extended periods (>8 minutes) is not guaranteed to reduce lead levels in all homes with LSLs and highlights some limitations of POU filters in treating water with high levels of particulate lead. The second phase of the field study monitored POU faucet filter performance in the homes of 21 residents in New Orleans (8) and Enterprise (13), LA. New Orleans is a large urban area with low to moderate water lead levels with many partial LSL replacements. Enterprise (population <300) is a rural, low-income community with an unincorporated water system with moderate to high water lead, iron, and manganese levels. Overall, the POUs consistently reduced lead to <1 μg/L, iron <171 μg/L, and manganese <180 μg/L. Enterprise's high influent concentrations of iron significantly impacted filter capacity due to reduced flow and clogging. Enterprise homes saw an average 62% flowrate reduction, and most of the homes did not reach 50% of the filter's rated capacity before consumers decided the filters were clogged. Most New Orleans residents did not experience clogging, and the homes that did saw only a 16% flow rate reduction. Overall, the New Orleans POUs were 2.3X faster in treating water by the study's end than Enterprise. There was no simple correlation between average iron concentration and days of filter life amongst residents in Enterprise as would be expected given variations in the volume of water used daily and consumer subjectivity in deciding when to end the study due to clogging. However, residents in Enterprise and similar communities would likely need to purchase 2-4 times as many filter cartridges due to clogging when compared to cities like New Orleans with lower iron concentrations. This study shows how POUs have promise for the removal of Pb and Fe in residential homes, but clogging has emerged as an important practical limitation to widespread successful POU deployment. This dissertation highlighted the multifaceted nature of the question: "How well do POU filters work and under what conditions?" Overall, the POUs have shown their ability to reduce water lead levels effectively <5 μg/L, with a few exceptions primarily attributed to particulate lead and manufacturing quality control issues. However, when treating waters with high levels of iron and other contaminants, POU clogging can cause consumer dissatisfaction and make purchasing bottled water a more favorable solution than POU filters.