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- Acceptance of bread with partial replacement of wheat bread flour by potato products in selected regions of the USSR and USALong, Kristine A. (Virginia Tech, 1991-08-15)The purpose of this research was to incorporate a potato product into bread as a partial replacement for wheat flour and to describe a collaborative process for the development of bread products in three Soviet communities. Six potato flake breads and six cooked-mashed potato breads, with and without added gluten, were evaluated in a pilot study. Consumer acceptance scores indicated no significant differences among the twelve bread products. Four bread products, 29% and 45% cooked-mashed potato breads without added gluten, 15% potato flake bread with added gluten, and a 100% wheat flour bread, were selected for objective measurements, descriptive sensory evaluation, and central location acceptance testing. The four breads were not significantly different in the objective measurements of standing height, percent protein and amino acid content The three potato breads had the highest moisture percent loss on day 1. Texture analysis indicated the 45% bread had the highest texture measurements from the day of baking through day 4. The control "rapid" bread had the lowest analysis of freshness measurements. Staling, as measured by differential scanning calorimetry, indicated the potato breads had significantly reduced staling rates when compared to 100% wheat flour bread. Eleven trained panelists judged ten characteristics of the control and potato breads. The panelists perceived the potato breads to be more moist than the control. The other sensory characteristics of the control and potato breads were judged as similar. Central location acceptance testing in Alaska and the Soviet Far East indicated that the potato breads were acceptable and consumers indicated they would buy the breads if they were available. Across all locations the locally purchased control bread was liked significantly less than the potato breads. A collaborative process was designed for development of food products in Soviet and Alaskan communities.
- Applying cost benefit analysis to nutrition education programs : focus on the Virginia Expanded Food and Nutrition Education Program : final reportLambur, Michael T.; Rajgopal, Radhika; Lewis, Edwin C.; Cox, Ruby H.; Ellerbrock, Michael J. (Virginia Cooperative Extension, 1999)In attempts to make public programs more cost effective, it is critical to develop and apply new techniques to evaluate Extension programs. Indeed, one of the major challenges facing Extension evaluators is the need to provide concise, meaningful evaluation information to decision-makers. Nutrition education has been a base program of the Cooperative Extension System since its inception. While knowledge gain, and to a more limited extent the behavior changes of participants have been measured, good measures of the cost savings that accrue as a result of participation in these education programs are not available. Procedures that quantitatively compare a program's costs to its benefits are inherently popular and useful. Cost benefit and effectiveness analysis represent economic analysis procedures that can be useful in addressing this need.
- Applying Cost Benefit Analysis to Nutrition Education Programs: Focus on the Virginia Expanded Food and Nutrition Education ProgramLambur, Michael T.; Rajgopal, Radhika; Lewis, Edwin C.; Cox, Ruby H.; Ellerbrock, Michael J. (Virginia Cooperative Extension, 2009-05-01)This study presents the procedures and results of a cost-benefit analysis of Virginia EFNEP to measure the economic efficiency of the program for the federal sponsors.
- Are Nutrition and Food Security Concerns a Priority of Certified Nursing Assistants in Work and Family Environments?Holsinger, Amanda Joy Toscano (Virginia Tech, 2002-04-12)Certified Nursing Assistants (CNAs) are responsible for the care of America's aging population. CNAs are paid a miniscule amount of money and are often ineligible for medical benefits through their employers. CNAs bathe, change, feed, and help toilet the residents of long-term care facilities. The stressful work and personal lives of CNAs leads to many problems such as high turnover rates, absenteeism, health problems, and elder abuse. In the United States, food insecurity is a concern for many of the uninsured working poor. The purpose of this study was to assess the overall perceived concerns, barriers, and solutions of CNAs in both their work and family environments, identify where nutrition and food security fits into the priorities of CNAs, and identify educational strategies to improve their health and overall quality of life. Twenty-nine CNAs participated in six focus groups across the state of Virginia. Triangulation techniques were used to compare both qualitative (focus groups) and quantitative (participatory activities and questionnaires) research. Participatory activities showed that the top home concern of CNAs was money management. CNAs ranked keeping their family healthy fourth (9.6%), and they ranked preparing fast easy meals eighth (1.7%). The top work concern of CNAs was time management. Staying healthy at work ranked fourth (12.9%), while packing a nutritious lunch was sixth (3.4%). The preferred methods of education for the participants were watching videotapes, attending classes at a central location, and having a mentor to help them with their problems.
- An Assessment of Virginia Cooperative Extension's New Extension Agent Training ProgramBrown, Almeshia S. (Virginia Tech, 2003-11-13)This study is an assessment of the New Extension Agent Training (NEAT) program in Virginia. Although new Extension agents have exceptional subject matter training, they often lack skills needed to be effective Extension professionals (Bennett, 1979). The NEAT program provides a way for new agents to receive hands-on experiences that will facilitate a smooth transition into their respective roles. There is currently no specific data that has the NEAT program. Therefore, an evaluation of the program by its participants to determine its importance and effectiveness may be utilized to enhance the effectiveness of the NEAT program. The survey utilized to collect data in the study was developed by the researcher. The instrument was put on a website where participants could access it during a given time frame. The population consisted of new Extension agents, training agents, and administrators who participated in the NEAT program and are currently employed by Virginia Cooperative Extension (VCE). Participants were asked to rate the importance and effectiveness of the NEAT program in facilitating new Extension agents' growth in a series of goals needed for a new agent to be proficient. These goals were then divided into eight competencies as outlined by National Policy Statement on Staff Training and Development (1968). Participants were asked to provide demographic information and suggestions that would be useful in designing future programs. Data were analyzed using SPSS. The data showed that communication was rated the most important competency while human development was considered the least important. The data related to the ratings of effectiveness of the NEAT program in relation to the eight competencies also demonstrated that respondents rated communication as the most effectively taught competency covered in the NEAT program, and human development as the least effectively taught competency. Significant differences among ratings by position in the NEAT program were measured at the 0.05 alpha level. Significant differences were observed both between new Extension agents and Extension administrators and between Extension training agents and Extension administrators were in the importance of a selected competency and the effectiveness of the NEAT program in teaching the some of the competencies.
- The Attitudes of Extension Faculty Toward Globalizing Extension Programs: A Case Study of Virginia Cooperative ExtensionLewis, Edwin C. (Virginia Tech, 2006-02-24)Over the past several years, many state Cooperative Extension Services have taken inventory of their engagement with international issues, including barriers (real and perceived) to active participation in globalizing programs as well as staff needs for effective communication with diverse audiences. While Virginia Cooperative Extension (VCE) has actively involved 4-H youth in international exchange programs, they have not engaged in a coherent and proactive effort to globalize all program areas. The study purpose was to assess attitudes of VCE faculty toward globalizing their programming efforts. Also examined were information related to VCE faculty's current involvement in globally-focused activities and barriers to globalizing programming efforts. The survey instrument combined various sections of two surveys developed and employed by Barbara Ludwig in studies on Ohio Cooperative Extension. The web-based survey included four sections: 1) Employee Profile, 2) Involvement in International Activities, 3) Perception towards Global Issues, and 4) Perceived Barriers to Globalizing Extension Programs. The target audience included all VCE faculty members (N = 332). Two hundred six faculty members completed the on-line survey. This represents a return rate of 62%. Data revealed that 92% of the respondents were involved in international efforts within the past five years. On a scale of one to four, with four representing the highest level of engagement, campus administrators (mean = 2.66) and specialists (mean = 2.13) were the most involved in international programming effort; the least involved were the district directors (mean = 1.21). "Exchanged ideas with colleagues from other countries" and "hosted an international visitor" were the top two activities performed by faculty. Data also revealed an attitude mean score of 2.9 on a scale from one to four, with four being the most positive. Campus administrators (mean = 3) were the most positive of the four position categories; agents were the least positive (mean = 2.86). Furthermore, the top two barriers to globalizing VCE programs, as identified by respondents, were "lack of financial support" and "not a programming priority". Respondents also selected "Lack of time" as a major barrier.
- Coaching the Adult Learner: A Framework for Engaging the Principles and Processes of Andragogy for Best Practices in CoachingLubin, Melissa Maybury (Virginia Tech, 2013-05-06)Coaching is an actionable way for adults to learn. For purposes of this study, learning was conceptualized by UNESCO\'s five pillars of learning to know, do, live together, be, and learning to transform oneself and society. The practice of coaching was defined as a social enterprise where, through a process of inquiry and reflection, coaches help coachees achieve their personal and professional goals through learning, self-awareness and behavior change. As an application of learning for adults, coaching may be considered a reflection of andragogy "the art and science of helping adults learn" a la Knowles. The following questions guided the inquiry: 1. To what extent is there a relationship between andragogy in practice and coaching in practice as demonstrated by coaches? 2. Specifically, which principles and processes of andragogy are reflected in the practice of coaching? 3. What are the best practices of coaches who use andragogy in their practice? Using a mixed method, sequential explanatory strategy, business and life coaches were surveyed, with follow-up interviews to high scorers, to see which principles and processes of andragogy informed their coaching practices. An instrument, originally developed by Henschke (1989) for teachers, was modified for use with coaches, and measured the extent to which coaches used the philosophy of andragogy in their practices. Knowles\' six principles and eight processes of andragogy formed the operational framework. Findings indicated that 98% of the coaches reported using andragogy on an average or above basis, with 48% of the group at above average or high above average levels. Andragogical elements of empathy, trust and accommodating coachee uniqueness were revealed at above average or high above average levels. Of those interviewed, 100% of the coaches reported using the principles and processes of andragogy in their practices. Based on their stories, best practices (88) for engaging andragogy in the practice of coaching were developed. The overarching themes from the study were: Andragogy is a way of being in coaching; the processes of andragogy go beyond the context of coaching; and an emergence of a conceptual framework that embraced the pillars of learning, andragogy and the practice of coaching.
- Community collaboration for human services: a case study of school-aged child care in Fauquier County, VirginiaButterfield, Beverly S. (Virginia Tech, 1996-09-12)At a time when problems faced by youth and families are complex and multi-faceted, organizations serving this audience have limited resources and find single-agency, categorical approaches inadequate. Collaboration offers communities a process to create solutions that are holistic and maximize resources. The purposes of this study were to examine factors necessary for collaboration and to assess barriers and incentives for these relationships. Case study methodology was applied to a rural community child care collaborative in Fauquier County, Virginia. All members who had ever served on the Board of Directors for this collaborative program were surveyed. The theoretical basis for research were 19 factors associated 'Nith collaboration identified by Mattessich & Monsey (1992). Respondents were asked to determine to what extent they considered these factors to be important and to what extent they were evident in the collaboration studied. In addition, open ended questions probed barriers and incentives for collaboration as experienced by respondents.
- Consumer Knowledge of Middlesex, Virginia High School StudentsKyle, Kendra J. (Virginia Tech, 1998-07-17)This study was designed to help those persons developing and delivering consumer education curriculum understand the needs of Middlesex, Virginia High School Students. The instrument used was a consumer knowledge survey developed by a partnership between the Consumer Federation of American and American Express. The 52 item questionnaire was designed to measure knowledge in six key areas of consumption-consumer credit, checking/savings accounts, automobile insurance, housing rental, food purchase, and automobile purchase. The respondents were students attending Middlesex High School from the four grade levels with completed Informed Consent forms. There were 55 respondents from a total pool of 375 (freshmen, 44%; sophomores, 27%; juniors, 13%; and seniors, 16%). Descriptive statistics were used for demographic items. Non-statistical comparisons were made between grade levels, descriptive demographic characteristics, and consumer categories. Comparisons were also made between the data collected and the data of the national consumer knowledge survey by the Consumer Federation of America and American Express Company. The results indicate that Middlesex High School students were not well prepared for the world of consumption. Overall, the students who responded had limited understanding of consumer knowledge in the six specific areas. The average score was 39%. Students had the poorest understanding of consumer credit, auto insurance, and food purchases. Scores for these category areas averaged less than 40%. The students scored highest on housing rental (45%) and checking/savings accounts (44%). The seniors scored the highest overall score (48%), which was higher than the national average of high school seniors (42%).
- Cost Benefit Analysis of Virginia EFNEP: Calculating Indirect Benefits and Sensitivity AnalysisLewis, Edwin C. (Virginia Tech, 1998-07-16)The Cooperative Extension System has focused on nutrition education for low-income families for approximately 29 years via the Expanded Food and Nutrition Education Program (EFNEP). In response to the need for a comprehensive economic evaluation of EFNEP, Virginia Cooperative Extension (VCE) was awarded a grant from the Cooperative State Research, Education and Extension Services, United States Department of Agriculture (CSREES, USDA) to conduct a cost benefit analysis (CBA) of nutrition education programs, with emphasis on EFNEP. Virginia EFNEP served as the pilot program to test the evaluation procedure. This study is a part of the CBA of Virginia EFNEP. The purpose is to calculate the indirect tangible benefits derived from participation in EFNEP. The indirect tangible benefits are classified as 1) delaying productivity loss due to mortality and 2) avoiding productivity loss due to morbidity. This study also uses sensitivity analysis to evaluate the effects of two critical assumptions pertaining to retention of dietary behaviors and to incidence rate of diseases in the low-income population. Finally, the discount rate is analyzed via sensitivity calculations. There were two major conclusions drawn from this study. First, the indirect benefits accounted for more than $1 million of the total benefit generate by EFNEP. Second, the sensitivity analyses support the positive outcome (i. e., positive return on every dollar invested) derived from the CBA of Virginia EFNEP.
- Cost-benefit Analysis of the Virginia Expanded Food and Nutrition Education Program (EFNEP)Rajgopal, Radhika Jr. (Virginia Tech, 1998-09-11)Each year approximately 7,500 low-income Virginia families are enrolled in the Expanded Food and Nutrition Education Program (EFNEP), administered through the Virginia Cooperative Extension (VCE). Chronic disease and health conditions cost society an estimated $250 billion each year in medical charges and lost productivity. It has been assumed that the numerous diet and food-related changes made by EFNEP participants will lead to a reduction in the risk of chronic disease among homemakers, and perhaps, other family members. Thus, the improved diets and behaviors resulting from EFNEP participation may result in substantial future savings in healthcare costs among participants. This study explores the possibility of potential economic benefits for the Virginia EFNEP participants. In 1996, the Virginia Cooperative Extension was awarded a grant from the Cooperative State, Research, Education, and Extension Service, United States Department of Agriculture (CSREES, USDA) to conduct a cost-benefit study of EFNEP in Virginia. Though computation of the cost-benefit ratio for the Virginia adult EFNEP includes both direct and indirect benefits, this study addressed only the assessment of the direct tangible benefits based on the savings from economic costs of avoided diseases. Existing EFNEP data for the 1996 fiscal year was used to identify optimal nutritional behaviors that can delay or prevent the onset of certain chronic diseases and health conditions. The economic costs of diseases were identified from scientific literature and translated as potential benefits. The administration costs of EFNEP were also compiled. The total direct tangible benefit for the diseases and conditions identified was estimated to be $17,770,722. Along with the indirect tangible benefits ($321,462), the total tangible benefits for the Virginia EFNEP was calculated to be $18,092,184. The direct tangible costs associated with the Virginia EFNEP in 1996 was $1,922,204. The benefit-cost ratio for the Virginia EFNEP for the 1996 fiscal year for the subset of the population practicing the optimal nutritional behaviors is calculated at $9.41/$1.00 (a $9.41 return for every $1 invested in EFNEP in Virginia). Also, a benefit of $2.45 to $1.00 was calculated when only 25% of those participants practicing optimal nutritional behaviors were assumed retain these behaviors through life. For a program of the magnitude of EFNEP, these results are very gratifying.
- Cultural perceptions related to the health and body size of Antiguan womenAlleyne, Lisa Anthony (Virginia Tech, 1995-06-30)Thirty-two Antiguan women from a women's church group attended participatory group meetings to describe their priority health definitions, perceived health barriers, preferred health barrier solutions, and body size preferences and perceptions. Participants were 21-70 years old, and were divided into three age groups. Although 70% of the sample were either overweight or obese, weight issues received little priority as a health related factor. Instead, women under 30 defined health more in terms of personal appearance, and dietary inadequacy from lack of resources, with priority for mental and social health barriers, while those in their 30's were mainly concerned about barriers related to their mental and social well-being, and those ~ 40 years gave priority to dietary inadequacy and inactivity barriers related to chronic and general health factors. Although self-curing barrier solutions were most preferred~ religious and medical solutions were perceived as easier to attain. Using silhouettes, women under 30 frequently chose thinner ideals than those over 30, and perceived themselves as heavier than anthropometric measurements indicated, while those ≥40 years perceived themselves as lighter.
- Development and Testing of a Food and Nutrition Practice Checklist (FNPC) for Use with Basic Nutrition and Disease Prevention Education ProgramsBradford, Traliece Nicole (Virginia Tech, 2006-06-16)Each year, the Expanded Food and Nutrition Education Program (EFNEP) and Food Stamp Nutrition Education (FSNE) receive around 60 million dollars in federal funding. In order to document impacts, it is critical that these programs utilize valid and reliable instruments. By having validated instruments that measure behavior changes, it can be documented that these federally funded programs are achieving program objectives. To date, research on measurements of change is either lacking or under-reported. The goal of this study was to develop a valid and reliable assessment instrument to be utilized with a specific curriculum titled Healthy Futures, which is used within Virginia FSNE. To accomplish this, an expert panel was assembled to conceptualize and construct the instrument. The instrument was pilot-tested, evaluated, then finalized and tested. Results with 73 individuals representing 34 white, non-Hispanics and 36 non-Hispanic blacks, found that the physical activity and dietary quality domains of the instrument had achieved an acceptable test-retest reliability coefficient of .70, however the food safety domain achieved a 0.51. For validity, the instrument scored an overall Spearman Correlation Coefficient of 0.28 for physical activity, 0.34 for food safety, and 0.20 for dietary quality. All three domains were sensitive to change (p < 0.0001). The results indicate that this instrument could detect dietary and physical activity change among limited resource participants of FSNE with confidence.
- Empowerment Process Model for Implementing Participatory Strategies: Testing a Model That Describes the Context of Food and Nutrition Problems of Dominican WomenStadler, Kathleen M. (Virginia Tech, 1997-05-21)In this participatory action research study, an Empowerment Process Model (EPM) was tested for the development of feasible action plans that addressed the priority concerns and the implicit food and nutrition problems of village families within their current socio-economic and political context. The Visual Verification Survey (VVS) was used to test the EPM results and its usefulness with similar participants. An EPM with 24 village women and a VVS with 68 village women were purposefully sampled in two locations in Dominica, West Indies, along with key informant interviews with eleven agency leaders to identify, prioritize, and describe their perceptions of villagers' life problems, the root causes of the problems, and solutions. This community-based approach used participatory non-written activities and locally developed visual aids to empower Dominican women to develop feasible action plans: a sewing workshop, how to start a business workshop, coffee house project, and women's group. Thematic content analysis and participatory activities were used to identify the themes and "give voice" to the participants' perceptions of top prioritized life problems: unemployment and economic issues, alcohol and drug abuse, lack of educational services, and teenage pregnancy. When specifically asked, the women identified basic health, food, and nutrition concerns, such as a steady income to buy food, a variety of foods to maintain health, and an accessible, clean water supply. The study revealed substantial differences in the rankings between the EPM and VVS women. The differences may have been influenced by the women's educational level, family situation, and previous involvement in community activities and leadership roles. Similar top prioritized root causes associated with many life problems by the women included lack of educational services, facilities and qualified teachers; and girls exchanging sexual favors for money or possessions. Overall, key informants and the Dominican women participants had similar perceptions of prioritized life problems of typical Dominican families. The results of the research demonstrated the need for site-specific programs and assessments using participatory non-written activities to engage a variety of women and to satisfy their diverse needs and locations. To become effective and sustainable, nutrition programming should be integrated into overall life problems.
- Enhancing Limited-Resource Farmers' Economic, Environmental, and Social Outcomes Through Extension EducationWestbrook, Johnnie Ray (Virginia Tech, 2010-09-10)This research examined how the North Carolina A & T State University Cooperative Extension program has helped limited-resource farmers realize economic, environmental, and social outcomes through its 1890 Extension education program. Since1990, there has been little research on recent contributions of 1890 Extension programs for this audience. This inquiry described educational collaborative efforts among the North Carolina A & T Extension program, North Carolina State University (NCSU), other 1862 land-grant universities, community-based organizations, and government agencies providing nonformal education and services to limited-resource farmers. Personal interviews were conducted with two Extension specialists, one associate, two agents, and two agricultural and natural resource technicians. A focus group was conducted with nine limited-resource farmers.The findings revealed that the Farmers Adopting Computer Training (FACT), Plasticulture, and Pastured-Swine programs have helped enhance limited-resource farmers' economic, environmental, and social outcomes. In addition, the participants confirmed caring, trust, and relationship building as qualities that encouraged their participation. However, participants indicated that scheduling Extension programs that conflict with planting and harvesting season and programs that do not address farmers' needs and issues prevent their participation in Extension programs. Furthermore, North Carolina A & T Extension programs involved farmers in program planning through advisory committees and mentoring other farmers. Participants indicated that NC A & T collaborates with North Carolina State University, community-based organizations, and other government agencies to meet the needs of limited-resource farmers.The data suggest that the following improvements and changes for the North Carolina A & T Extension program: (a) use the outcome-based evaluation approach to evaluate Extension programs, (b) provide training for Extension faculty on program planning models, (c) continue the FACT, plasticulture, and pastured-swine production programs, (d) educate faculty in other schools and colleges at NC A & T State University about Extension programs, and (e) develop joint programs with other schools and colleges at North Carolina A & T State University.
- An Examination of the Nature and Experience of Community Collaboration in Extension Education for At-Risk Populations in VirginiaBoard, Barbara A. (Virginia Tech, 2005-04-27)For several decades, a growing realization has evolved that a single entity often cannot address complex issues. Collaboration has been touted as an effective approach to addressing such issues and is generally defined as multiple parties jointly identifying problems, developing a shared vision for addressing those problems, and sharing resources and responsibilities for a determined solution. In spite of the growing literature regarding collaboration, the predominant focus has been on advocacy, leaving a void in the literature concerning the processes and behaviors involved in establishing community collaboration. In essence, the importance of collaboration is widely recognized; how to collaborate is not as noted. Therefore, it is essential to examine the experience of community collaboration. The purpose of this study was to investigate a collaborative community experience in the context of extension education for children, youth, and families at risk in four localities in Virginia. The following research questions were addressed: a) What has been the nature and experience of collaboration for Extension Leadership councils (ELCs) involved with children, youth, and families at risk (CYFAR) projects; b) What has contributed to successful collaboration in Extension education with the CYFAR projects; and c) What have been the challenges to collaboration for the CYFAR projects? The qualitative case study design utilized in-depth face-to-face interviews with seventeen community representatives in the selected localities involved in the experience. The interviews were tape-recorded and transcriptions were analyzed to determine themes, patterns, and common ways of thinking. Findings, which revealed that ELCs were primarily involved in situation analysis, illuminated the following perceived contributions to successful collaboration: having a process for involvement, addressing a need, commitment of those involved, leadership, and paid staff. Challenges to collaboration were identified as lack of time to commit, lack of understanding of collaboration, and pre-existing ways of thinking and acting. The results have implications for Cooperative Extension understanding how ELC involvement can occur in programming and the collaborative nature of their educational process with the community. The findings will also contribute to human service providers' understanding of contributions and challenges to collaboration and to the emerging body of knowledge on collaboration.
- Examining the Interrelationship of Motivation and Place Attachment in a Residential 4-H Camping EnvironmentGenson, Jenna McEwen (Virginia Tech, 2010-04-21)Minimal research has examined the interrelationship between motivation, place attachment, and the need to belong in a residential camping environment. The purpose of this study was to better understand the role of place attachment and the need to belong in facilitating 4-H Camp Graham campers and counselors interest in returning to residential 4-H summer camp year after year. All participants included in this study were at least 18 years of age, graduated from high school, former 4-H members, and attended 4-H camp for at least two consecutive years. Three camping clusters participated in focus group interviews for a total of 21 participants. A fourth camping cluster and participants unable to attend their designated focus group, were invited complete an online survey. Overall, campers and counselors were primarily motivated to return to camp each year due to the relationships, memories, and sense of belonging formed at camp. While nature and location played a role in the camp experience by providing a secluded environment free from outside influence, these attachments were secondary. Attachment to camp grew over time and participants valued the camp experience highly and tended to choose camp friendships and the camp experience over other opportunities. Longevity at camp influenced the strength of attachment. This research suggests that intentionality in these areas of staff training and program planning are critical to camper and counselor connection to camp. Additionally, this research provides tangible evidence that points to the value of sharing the residential camping experience with potential funders and parents.
- Experiential Learning in School Gardens and Other Outdoor Environments: A Survey of Needs for Supplemental ProgramsHuckestein, Stephanie Lynn (Virginia Tech, 2008-04-21)The purpose of this study was to determine how the Hahn Horticulture Garden at Virginia Tech can best focus their outreach efforts to benefit the local public school community. The study assessed the needs of local science teachers and how their needs can be met through educational outreach programs. A self-administered online survey was used to inquire about the use of experiential teaching methods using school gardens and other outdoor environments. The survey was also intended to determine interest in incorporating supplemental programs into the K-5 Montgomery County Public School curriculum to enhance the Virginia Standards of Learning related to plants and environmental science. The survey was sent to 273 K-5 teachers in the Montgomery County Public School System in Virginia. Because of the small number of responses, the results from the survey were not representative of the population, but were satisfactory to gain practical information for this study. Data analysis indicated existing programs, the need for programs, and how programs can best be implemented. Existing programs consisted of hands-on activities in the classroom including growing plants from seeds and dissecting and observing plant parts. Experiential learning opportunities outside of the classroom included school gardening, observations on the school grounds, and outdoor field trips. Survey respondents indicated a need for supplemental programs related to plants and environmental science. Teachers reported interest in a school gardening program, having a guest speaker in the classroom, receiving curriculum support, and taking their class on a field trip to the Hahn Horticulture Garden at Virginia Tech. Most teachers also showed interest in receiving in-service training to strengthen their knowledge of plants and environmental science. Based on the results of the study, there is a need for supplemental programs related to plants and environmental science. Engaging lessons should be developed to assist teachers with school gardening programs. Experiential learning opportunities such as meaningful field trips should also be developed. Other methods to supplement school curriculum include providing teachers with curriculum materials and lesson kits. All programs developed should correlate to the state-mandated standards.
- An Exploration of Developed Forest Camping Experiences and Meanings in the Mount Rogers National Recreation AreaGarst, Barry Austin (Virginia Tech, 2005-05-03)Developed forest camping has received little attention in the recreation research since the late 1960s and early 1970s. Changes in socio-demographics, technology, and the public's expectations for amenities over the past forty years suggested that the nature of the developed camping experience may have changed. Thus, the purpose of this study was to understand the modern developed forest camping experience and associated meanings and the influence of technology on developed forest camping. In-depth interviews were conducted in the Mount Rogers National Recreation Area with thirty-eight camping groups in three campgrounds which varied in their level of development. Developed forest camping experiences were described by participants as a combination of what they were doing (i.e., activities), who they were interacting with (i.e., social interaction), where they were camping (i.e., setting), and what they were feeling while they were there (i.e., psychological states/feelings). The camping experience occurred in stages and it emerged over the course of participants' trips, with emotional highs and lows. Camping was a social experience, with participants defining much of their experience in terms of who they were with. The developed camping experience was influenced by the natural environment, particularly scenic beauty and other aesthetic setting qualities. The majority of participants in this study suggested that they were able to get a nature-based experience even in highly developed camp settings in which large motor homes, televisions, and satellite dishes were common. Participants used a range of camping gear and electronics, and this technology was important to promote comfort and conveniences and for a distraction during inclement weather. The associated meanings of developed forest camping were restoration (i.e., rest, escape, and recovery), family functioning, special places, self-identity, social interaction, experiencing nature, association of God and nature, novelty, and the opportunity for children to learn. Restoration was the most commonly expressed meaning across all three campground types. The most commonly expressed life-context meanings were restoration and sharing positive family memories and stories. These family memories and stories often developed into important camping traditions. Recommendations for recreation managers, study limitations, and opportunities for future research are identified and discussed.
- Exploring Immigrant Farming Programs and Social Capital: A Mixed Method Approach to Program EvaluationHightower, Lisa S. (Virginia Tech, 2012-12-06)African immigrants in the United States (U.S.) experience immense challenges in the form of poverty, unemployment, and underemployment. One strategy used by community development organizations to address these challenges is the development of farm entry programs that assist immigrants in beginning and sustaining farm operations in the United States. Organizations such as Cooperative Extension, resettlement agencies, and African mutual aid associations have developed beginning farmer programs that provide a supportive foundation for immigrant farmers to gain access to farmland, technical training, and markets. Returning to farming provides African immigrants with a series of benefits including supplemental income, food security, and social integration. Drawing upon social capital theory, this study offers a novel approach to measure the community and economic development outcomes of immigrant farming programs. In this mixed-method program evaluation, immigrant farming programs are analyzed as social networks that connect immigrants to technical training, farming resources, and community members who can provide access to markets. Data were collected through a survey of 112 agricultural educators working with immigrant farming programs across the United States. Data were also collected through case studies of a Midwestern program and a Southern program. The case studies include two focus groups and 20 interviews with individuals associated with the programs as participants, agricultural educators, and community partners. Regression tests were conducted to determine the social capital factors associated with well-being outcomes occurring through the programs. The models show that interaction outside of the program, and access to information are positively associated with well-being outcomes. Analysis of variance tests show differences between programs with African immigrant participants and programs with participants from other world regions. Programs with African immigrants tend to have more requirements to use farming resources compared to programs with immigrants from other world regions. Qualitative analysis found that female African immigrant participants have a lower levels of agency compared to male African immigrant participants. The study concludes with a discussion of recommendations for implementing and evaluating immigrant farming programs, as well as applying social capital theory to the field of agricultural education.