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- Abiotic and biotic factors influencing the decline of native unionid mussels in the Clinch River, VirginiaYeager, Mary Melinda (Virginia Tech, 1994)Declining unionid populations in the Clinch River are of concern due to the high endemism in the diverse fauna of the Cumberlandian region. Increase in agricultural and mining activities, as well as in industry and urbanization, are coupled with unionid declines throughout the watershed. In many reaches of the Clinch River, mussel populations exist which fail to show recruitment suggesting that this is the weak link in the complex life cycle. Two possible factors which could endanger the sensitive juvenile stage are the presence of sediment toxicants or adult Corbicula fluminea in the depositional areas, the preferred habitat of the juveniles. Before investigating the impacts of these factors, it was necessary to characterize the relationship of the juveniles with the sediment they inhabit. Observations of feeding behavior using videotape, dye studies in a feeding chamber, and gut content analysis were used to determine mechanisms of feeding, the primary food source, and the origin of substances taken up by juveniles. Exposure to sediment came not only through direct contact, but also through filtration of interstitial water and sediment-associated fine particulate organic matter. Juveniles used pedal locomotory and pedal sweep feeding behaviors to facilitate movement of particles into the pedal gape. Intermittent sediment toxicity was found in laboratory bioassays using Daphna magna and Chironomus riparius. These data, along with fluctuating metals in the Clinch River sediments, indicated that acute insults existed from which recovery would depend on the frequency, intensity and duration of the events. Field studies revealed that the intermittent toxicity is reflected in the community structure of benthic macroinvertebrates and impairs growth of juvenile unionids in-situ studies. The intermittent toxicity which may be associated with rain events impairs stream biota and may prevent recruitment of juvenile unionids. The presence of adult C. fluminea in sediments was found to decrease juvenile unionid growth and recovery from test sediments and to increase mortality and resuspension of juveniles into the water column. Both the presence of sediment-bound toxicants and C. fluminea may be contributing to unionid bivalve declines in the Clinch River, Virginia.
- Approaches for assessing toxicity of selected contaminants to freshwater mussels (Bivalvia: Unionidae)Valenti, Theodore Walter (Virginia Tech, 2004-12-14)Laboratory bioassays results suggest that early life stages of freshwater mussels are sensitivity to toxicants. However, toxicological databases for unionids are rather limited because standard test methods are yet developed, and no published studies report endpoints for chronic test that are > 9 days. The primary goals of my thesis research were to assess acute and chronic toxicities of chlorine and mercury to early life stages. Inter- and intra-specific species variability in the tolerances of glochidia was observed during acute laboratory bioassays as endpoints were between 8 - 43 ppb for Hg tests, 1.0 - 2.5 ppm for NaCl tests, and 70 - 260 ppb for chlorine (TRC) tests. Glochidia of several species had equal or greater sensitivities to Hg and NaCl than test organisms commonly used to assess environmental risk (i.e.Ceridaphnia dubia, Daphnia magna, Pimephales promelas), whereas they were far more tolerant to TRC than many species. Twenty-one day chronic test endpoints for juveniles were substantially lower than those calculated during acute bioassays with glochidia. Villosa iris 3-mo old juveniles were found to be quite sensitive to Hg as growth was significantly impaired at 8 ppb Hg. Chronic bioassays with TRC revealed a distinct decrease in susceptibility with increased aged for V. iris (relative sensitivities 3-mo > 6-mo > 12-mo), and that 2-mo old Epioblasma capsaeformis were more sensitive than comparable age classes of V. iris. However, both species were tolerant compared to other aquatic organisms, as the lowest endpoint was 20 ppb TRC.
- An Assessment of Suitable Feed Quantity and Quality for Riffleshell Mussels (Epioblasma spp.) Held in CaptivityBush, Amy L. (Virginia Tech, 2008-01-30)Optimum feed ration was determined for riffleshell mussels (Epioblasma spp.) held in captivity. Mussels were fed one of four rations (0.49, 0.72, 1.28, or 1.73 mg dry wt/l) of algae Neochloris oleoabundans for 2-h trials in spring, summer, fall, and winter. The test ration resulting in the most feed absorbed per hour (net absorption rate, mg/h) was determined to be the optimum feed ration. Mussels absorbed the greatest amount of food when fed the highest ration. Suggested feed rations for captive adult Epioblasma species are 1.73 mg/l when held at moderate temperatures (i.e., 15-19C), and 1.28 mg/l when held at cool temperatures (i.e., near 11C). Seasonal utilization of protein by oyster mussel (E. capsaeformis) and rainbow mussel (V. iris) was examined with O:N ratios. Ratios were determined for mussels fed a low or high-protein diet (0.11, or 0.31 mg protein/mg dry algal feed), and for mussels held in a hatchery or in the Clinch River, in spring, summer, and winter. Significant differences in O:N ratios were not observed between mussels fed a low or high-protein diet (p > 0.05). The O:N ratios were significantly highest in spring and summer, and lowest in winter (p < 0.05). Mussels primarily utilized protein in spring and summer, and conserved protein in winter. A diet high in energy was suggested in spring and summer, and a diet high in protein was suggested in winter.
- Assessment of the South Atlantic Red Porgy (Pagrus pagrus) Population Under a MoratoriumDavis, Michelle Leigh (Virginia Tech, 2003-12-10)Red porgy Pagrus pagrus is a reef fish important to both recreational and commercial fisheries off the coast of the southeastern United States. Stock assessments performed on this species since 1985 have shown a population in decline. As a result, a number of management actions were put in place, including a harvest moratorium in 1999. Stock assessments for many marine species, including red porgy, rely on a combination of fishery-dependent and fishery-independent data. When a moratorium is in place, the flow of fishery-dependent data is interrupted, making assessments more reliant on fishery-independent information. To investigate how loss of fishery-dependent data, as during a moratorium, would affect stock assessment results for red porgy, I conducted model simulations to represent moratoria of various durations. The most recent red porgy stock assessment model developed during a 2002 workshop was used as a tool in these simulations. I found that biological reference points, such as biomass and fishing mortality, and population projections were more variable for longer simulated moratoria. When fishery-dependent data were removed, minor fluctuations in length and age frequencies resulted in larger fluctuations in estimates of biological reference points. The simulated moratoria also resulted in a slight bias toward over-estimating stock productivity. Similar simulations and analyses were conducted to determine the effects of reducing fishery-independent data from the Marine Resources Monitoring, Assessment, and Prediction (MARMAP) program. Length and age data of reduced MARMAP sample sizes were bootstrapped from original data, and used as input for the stock assessment model. Biological reference points and population projections were more variable for small MARMAP sample sizes, due to the incomplete representation of the length and age frequencies of the population. Reduced sample sizes also showed a slight bias toward predicting a more productive population. These types of simulations emphasize the benefits of investigating potential effects of data reduction on assessment results prior to implementing management strategies, such as a moratorium or sampling change, that cause data loss. Although decreasing red porgy data resulted in slight changes in assessment results, there are more data available for this species than other species in the snapper-grouper complex. For these lesser-studied species, reducing data could dramatically affect assessment capabilities. To investigate this, I compiled available data for these species and identified the stock assessment method used. I then predicted assessment capabilities for each species under a moratorium and if the MARMAP survey was eliminated. A moratorium could reduce assessment capabilities for 37 of the 73 species, and 63 species would require management based on key species. Removing MARMAP data would reduce assessment capabilities of eight species, many of which are economically important. There was an overwhelming need for a reliable catch-per-effort index, information that could improve assessment capabilities of 67 species. This index could be obtained by expanding the MARMAP survey, from a fishery observer program, or from commercial logbooks. By linking the red porgy stock assessment, an evaluation of sampling regimes and data loss during a moratorium, and the expansion of this stock assessment strategy to multiple species, managers will ultimately benefit from increased ability to manage stocks experiencing varying regulations and data availability.
- An assessment of the transferability of habitat suitability criteria for smallmouth bass, Micropterus dolomieuGroshens, Thomas P. (Virginia Tech, 1993-01-05)The purpose of this study was to determine if habitat suitability criteria developed in the summer months for sma11mouth bass were transferable among streams representing different eco regions. Habitat suitability criteria were developed for depth, mean column velocity, cover and substrate for two size classes of sma1lmouth bass, 100-199mm and >200mm, in the North Anna River and Craig Creek, Virginia. Criteria that accurately describe habitat selection by a species or guild in a system different from where the criteria were developed are said to be transferable to that system. The transferability of suitability criteria between the North Anna River and Craig Creek, as well as depth and velocity criteria from Minnesota, the Huron River, Michigan and the Upper James River, Virginia, to the North Anna River and Craig Creek were tested using a 2x2 contingency table analysis. Depth criteria for the smaller sizes of sma1lmouth bass did not transfer well between regions; 4 of the 8 transferability tests (50%) failed. Depth criteria for larger sma1lmouth bass transferred to the North Anna River and Craig Creek in all cases. Velocity criteria developed for the smaller size classes did not transfer well among regions; only 3 of the 8 transferability tests were positive. Likewise, velocity criteria for larger sizes of smallmouth bass did not transfer well; only 1 of 8 tests were positive. General criteria were developed for depth and mean column velocity by averaging the suitability values reported from this and 3 other studies. General depth and velocity criteria transferred well to the North Anna River and Craig Creek for both the larger and smaller size classes of smallmouth bass; all depth tests were positive and 3 of 4 velocity tests were positive. The improved success of transferability warrants investigation of developing general criteria for smallmouth bass. Cover criteria for both size classes of smallmouth bass were transferable from the North Anna River to Craig Creek but not vice versa. Substrate heterogeneity criteria were not transferable between the North Anna River and Craig Creek for either size class of smallmouth bass. Criteria developed for the percentage of substrate particles >15cm (smallmouth bass >200mm only) were transferable from Craig Creek to the North Anna River but not vice versa. The transferability of habitat suitability criteria among regions was inconsistent and it is recommended that site-specific criteria be developed for each stream to which habitat assessments are applied. Additionally, nose velocities used were more consistent between the North Anna River and Craig Creek than were mean column velocities used. Hence, it is recommended that information on nose (focal point) velocities be incorporated into habitat studies to more accurately describe smallmouth bass velocity requirements.
- Biology, Captive Propagation, and Feasibility of Pearl Culture in the Pink Heelsplitter (Potamilus Alatus) (Say, 1817) (Bivalvia: Unionidae)Hua, Dan (Virginia Tech, 2005-08-15)Pink heelsplitter (Potamilus alatus) mussels collected from Kentucky Lake, TN were held at two bottom locations (0.6 m, 2.5 m) and suspended in pocket nets (at depth about 1.0 - 1.5 m) in a pond at the Freshwater Mollusk Conservation Center (FMCC), Virginia Tech, for 1 yr. Survival of mussels after 1 yr was significantly different, with poorest survival (30 %) in the bottom of the deep end; and no difference between the shallow end (83.3 %) and the suspended pocket nets (63.3 %). Survival of mussels was inversely related to water temperature (r = - 0.72); lowest monthly survival occurred in summer, resulting in a significant difference among the three locations with a similar trend after 1 yr. The glycogen reserves of mussels in captivity for 1 yr differed by pond location, higher in mussels at the shallow end than those in suspended pocket nets and at the deep end. Therefore, the shallow end of pond was more suitable for holding mussels long-term, while the suspended pocket nets are an alternative site for holding captive mussels. Additionally, dissolved oxygen was very low at the deep end (1.9 mg/L) in summer, while it was adequate (range from 5.7 - 6.4 mg/L) at the location of suspended pocket nets, and 5.0 mg/L at the shallow end (24.7 °C). Data for 40 specimens indicated that sexual dimorphism in valve shape occurred in P. alatus. Female mussels had a significantly (p < 0.0001) greater ratio of height (H) to length (L) (52.3 %) and width (W) to length (31.8 %) than males (H/L: 48.4 %; W/L: 28.8 %), respectively. The posterior ends were somewhat round to oval in males and bluntly squared or truncated in females. Female mussels were more inflated than males. These morphological differences can be used to distinguish females from males during field collections. The red drum (Sciaenops ocellatus) was identified as a new fish host for P. alatus, as 48 active juveniles were transformed by this species, which is not a natural host. Four glochidia were observed on the fins versus 2,307 on the gills of five red drum. Freshwater drum also was verified as a suitable host fish, but black crappie (Pomoxis nigromaculatus), banded sculpin (Cottus carolinae), yellow perch (Perca flavescens) and nile tilapia (Oreochromis nilotica) did not support transformation of glochidia to juveniles. Survival and growth of propagated juveniles of P. alatus were assessed regarding the effects of algal diets (Nannochloropsis oculata and Neochloris oleoabundans) and substrate type (fine sediment and sand). Overall, survival of juveniles after 17 d ranged from 23.8 to 66.8 %, with mean of 48.5 %; however, survival dramatically declined during the next 2 wk period to only 5.8 % (range of 1.8 to 7.8 %). Survival rate of juveniles was significantly different (p = 0.027) between substrates, but not in diets (p = 0.520), with the lowest survival rate of 23.8 % in sand substrate and fed N. oculata. Juveniles grew faster in fine sediment (23.0 % increase in shell length) than in sand substrates (10.5 % increase) (p = 0.002). Moreover, mean growth rate of juveniles was 4.9 μm/d during the first 2 wk, but decreased to 0.2 μm/d in the remaining 2 wk. Therefore, fine sediments seemed more appropriate for juvenile culture compared to sands. Both species of algae, N. oculata and N. oleoabundans, can be used to feed juveniles in the laboratory. Adult pink heelsplitters were used to study feasibility of pearl production by using two surgical implants (non-nucleated implant = NNI, and image pearl implant = IPI) in two ponds of different nutrient levels (FMCC pond and Duck pond). NNI and IPI pearls with purple or purplish luster were successfully produced in P. alatus. Pearl weight was not significantly different (p = 0.562) between two ponds. No differences in monthly survival rates of mussels were observed in either pond (p = 0.051), or among mussels with surgical implants and the no-surgery control mussels (p = 0.881). Consequently, P. alatus can be considered a potential species for producing purple pearls in pearl culture. Additionally, mussels in the Duck pond had higher (p < 0.0001) glycogen levels, similar to those in wild collected mussels, than those in the FMCC pond, indicating that this pond environment may be more suited for holding implanted mussels in captivity.
- Characterization of Suitable Habitats for Freshwater Mussels in the Clinch River, Virginia and TennesseeOstby, Brett John Kaste (Virginia Tech, 2005-03-08)With a new focus on flow regulation by the Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) in reservoir tailwaters, it is now possible to recover many mussel species that once occurred in these reaches. Before flows can be modified to create habitat for freshwater mussels, suitable microhabitat conditions must be defined. In this study, I used multiple approaches to define suitable microhabitats for species in the free-flowing upper Clinch River, Virginia and Tennessee, where reproducing mussel populations persist. During summer low flows in 2003 and 2004, I measured flow and substrate conditions in over 1000 microhabitat patches (0.25 m² quadrat samples) across five river reaches. Flow characteristics and embeddedness were significantly different between microhabitats occupied and unoccupied by the most abundant species (MRPP, p < 0.05). Comparison of simple and multiple logistic regression models with Akaike's Information Criteria (AIC) demonstrated that increasing Fleisswasserstammtisch (FST) hemisphere number (a measure of shear stress), decreasing degree of embeddedness, and increasing mean column velocity best explained species occurrences in a microhabitat patch. Subtle differentiation in habitat use among species was observed; however, most species appeared to be microhabitat generalists. Species were grouped into three habitat guilds using corresponding canonical analysis and cluster analysis: fast-flow specialists (FFS), fast-flow generalists (FFG), and slow-flow tolerant (SFT). I used the same data set to develop and test transferability of Habitat Suitability Criteria (HSC) for three habitat guilds and seven species of adult freshwater mussels. Nonparametric tolerance limits were used to define the range of suitable and optimal habitat during summer low flows. Optimal habitat was defined as those ranges of FST hemisphere number, mean column velocity, and embeddedness occupied by the central 50% of independent observations for a species or guild, whereas suitable habitat was defined by those ranges occupied by the central 90% of observations. The transferability of criteria to other reaches of the Clinch River was assessed using one-sided Chi-square tests. Criteria developed for the fast-flow specialist (FFS) and fast-flow generalist (FFG) guilds, as well as most criteria for species in those guilds, transferred to destination reaches. In contrast, criteria developed for the slow-flow tolerant (SFT) guild and individual constituent species consistently failed to transfer. Criteria for FFS and FFG guilds and their constituent species should be incorporated into flow simulation models such as PHABSIM to gauge the effect of minimum flows on mussel habitat quality and quantity. These criteria could also be used to determine suitable sites for mussel translocations. However, my criteria require further testing in other rivers before they can be transferred beyond the Clinch River. Behavior and physiological responses to laboratory manipulations of flow velocity and substrate particle size were used to elucidate microhabitat preferences of Actinonaias pectorosa, Potamilus alatus, and Ptychobranchus subtentum. These species appeared less stressed in the fastest flow treatment, demonstrating significantly higher oxygen consumption and oxygen-to-nitrogen (O:N) ratios than in slower flow treatments. Only P. alatus demonstrated a preference for substrate particle size, and consistently selected finer particle sizes. Actinonaias pectorosa and P. subtentum demonstrated preference for fast-flow microhabitats by readily burrowing in those conditions, while abandoning slow-flow conditions. The lack of preference for substrate particle size demonstrated by A. pectorosa and P. subtentum supports conclusions of previous studies that substrate particle size is of little or secondary importance for explaining mussel microhabitat use. These results, along with previous studies in the Clinch River, demonstrate that the stable habitats of riffles and runs; characterized by fast flows during summer low flows, low percent bedrock, and low embeddedness, are the most suitable habitats for mussel assemblages. To create and maintain suitable habitat conditions in tailwaters, releases should maintain flow over riffles at a minimum depth of no less than 30 cm in riffles that provide higher shear stress conditions (FST number > 7) and velocities (> 0.70 m/s). Periodic releases that are sufficient to transport silt and sand, but not high enough to transport larger substrate should be adequate to maintain substrates with a low degree of embeddedness. Doing so would create suitable habitat for all mussels, from the most to least specialized. Additionally, HSC developed for FFS and FFG guilds can be used to determine suitable destination sites for translocations of species belonging to these guilds.
- Commercial Frog FarmingHelfrich, Louis A.; Neves, Richard J.; Parkhurst, James A. (Virginia Cooperative Extension, 2009-05-01)Explains the reasons that raising and selling frogs on a commercial basis has not proven to be successful economically in Virginia or elsewhere in the United States and provides opinions on the future of the practice.
- Compatibility and complementarity of alewife (Alosa pseudoharengus) and gizzard shad (Dorosoma cepedianum) as forage fish in Smith Mountain Lake, VirginiaTisa, Mark Steven (Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, 1988)The attributes of alewife and gizzard shad as coexistent forage fishes for striped bass (Morone saxatilis), walleye (Stizostedion vitreum vitreum) and largemouth bass (Micropterus salmoides) were evaluated in Smith Mountain Lake, an 8,337 ha hydroelectric impoundment in south-central Virginia. Alewife and gizzard shad larvae exhibited strong spatial segregation which minimized the potential for direct trophic competition and increased feeding opportunities for piscivores. Gizzard shad spawning peaked in June while alewife spawning peaked in July. Daily growth rate of age-0 gizzard shad was 37% greater than for age-0 alewives. Later spawning and slower growth enhanced temporal and morphological availability of alewives to piscivores and reduced the potential for exploitative competition between the clupeids. Distributional analysis indicated that gizzard shad were primarily uplake and littoral while alewives were mostly downlake and pelagic. Alewives co-occurred with striped bass and walleye during the growing season and were crucial in providing forage for these piscivores. Largemouth bass shared a common distribution with gizzard shad and were more trophically dependent than other piscivores on them. Prey supply and predator demand were one year out of phase; gizzard shad and alewife production peaked in the first year of life while their predators' cohort production peaked in the second year. Cohort production analysis indicated that over their lifespan, striped bass prey demand (per 1000 fish) would exceed that of walleye and largemouth bass by 17% and 166%, respectively. Lifespan cohort production patterns and ingestibility limitations on prey assured that most predation pressure in Smith Mountain Lake came from piscivores ages 0-2 and was constrained to alewives ages 0 and 1 and young-of-the-year gizzard shad. Prediction of patterns of consumption of alewife and gizzard shad by piscivores was derived from analyses of morphological and distributional availabilities; these agreed closely with actual diets for most predator-prey location, season and age combinations. The alewife appears to be both compatible with, and complementary to, the gizzard shad as a forage species in Smith Mountain Lake. Suitability of alewives for introductions into other reservoirs will vary with the morphometry and management objectives for those waters.
- Control Methods For Aquatic Plants in Ponds and LakesHelfrich, Louis A.; Neves, Richard J.; Libey, George S.; Newcomb, Tammy J. (Virginia Cooperative Extension, 2009-05-01)Explains the negative impacts that can occur from dense growths (over 25% of the surface area) of aquatic plants in ponds and lakes and provides practical methods of management of these plants.
- The Control of Burrowing Crayfish in PondsHelfrich, Louis A.; Parkhurst, James A.; Neves, Richard J. (Virginia Cooperative Extension, 2009-05-01)Provides basic information of the crayfish including their ecological and economic importance, their burrows, how they breed, and how they can be controlled in pond dams, irrigation canals, and drainage ditches.
- Control strategies for the zebra mussel, Dreissena polymorpha, and the Asian clam, Corbicula fluminea: comparative stress responses and nontarget impactBidwell, Joseph R. (Virginia Tech, 1993-09-04)The studies described herein focused on the use of intermittent halogenation to control biofouling of water intake systems by the zebra mussel, Dreissena polymorpha, the comparative response of zebra mussels and the Asian clam, Corbicula fluminea, to a surfactant -based chemical control agent, the nontarget impact associated with the control agent, and the use of the Asian clam as a biomonitor of the control agent. Effects of intermittent (2-4 hr/day) treatments with chlorine or bromine at levels of 0.5 and 1.0 mg/L (total residual oxidant) upon settling of zebra mussel veligers were examined in studies conducted in a field laboratory on western Lake Erie. Veliger densities in the water column at the field site peaked at 530/L, while mussel densities on settling monitors reached 147,083/m² over the course of the study period. Zebra mussel settling in test systems treated with the halogens was reduced by as much as 91 % in comparison with controls, although mussel densities of up to 6,044/m² still occurred. Treated mussels which remained settled had growth rates similar to controls, and reached 2-4 mm length over 30 days. The intermittent halogen treatments had no significant impact on either adult zebra mussels or Asian clams. The studies indicate that while the treatment regimes may reduce zebra mussel densities within intake systems, the threat of eventual fouling due to cumulative settling remains.
- Controlled cultivation techniques for the recovery of threatened fishes in VirginiaStoeckel, Joseph Norman (Virginia Tech, 1993)The goal of this research was to develop captive propagation methods for the Federally threatened spotfin chub, Cyprinella monacha, and yellowfin madtom, Noturus flavipinnis, by using closely related, but unthreatened species, to evaluate potential techniques. The surrogate species used were the whitetail shiner, Cyprinella galactura, and the margined madtom, Noturus insignis. I investigated methods to promote gonadal maturation, induce spawning, and rear larvae of these fishes. Captive whitetail shiners developed mature gonads under a variety of temperature and photoperiod conditions. Spawning condition was maintained for over two years when they were held at constant warm temperature (≈ 24 C) and long photoperiod (16 h light). Whitetail shiners did not readily spawn in aquaria, but were induced to spawn by hormonal injection with human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) and carp pituitary extract (CPE) at mean dosages of 1688 I.U./kg and 20 mg/kg, respectively, or with luteinizing hormone releasing hormone analogue (LHRHa) and domperidone at mean dosages of 363 µg/kg and 36 mg/kg, respectively. Most females spawned within 30 h of the first injection. Stripped ova were effectively wet-spawned, and larvae hatched in 8 d at 25 C. I obtained a mean hatch rate of 55 %, but lack of swimbladder inflation resulted in very poor survival of several batches of eggs. Larvae began feeding within 2 d of hatching, and survival rates of 50 to 90 % after 16 d were obtained when larvae were fed twice daily on a diet of brine shrimp nauplii at a rate of ≈ 10/L/d, and a commercially prepared larval fish diet at a rate of ≈ 14 mg/L/d. Changing photoperiod, but not temperature, was required to induce oocyte maturation in most captive female margined madtoms. Sperm production in mature male madtoms was enigmatic; motile sperm were observed only once. Plasma testosterone concentrations in males peaked just prior to the spawning season at 6.5 ng/mL, but levels were not correlated with male gonadosomatic values. Plasma 17β-estradiol levels in females peaked just prior to the spawning season at 15 ng/mL, and were correlated with gonadosomatic values. Captive margined madtoms did not tank spawn unless they were hormonally injected with hCG and CPE at mean dosages of 5256 I.U./kg and 58 mg/kg, respectively, or with LHRHa and domperidone at mean dosages of 554 µg/kg and 55 mg/kg, respectively. Most females ovulated within 78 h of the first injection. Inclusion of more than one breeding pair per tank inhibited tank spawning. Embryos did not develop in 55 % of tank-spawned ova, or from any strip-spawned ova. Parents consumed spawned egg masses if they remained with the nest. Hatch rates > 65 % were obtained by suspending egg masses in a large-mesh basket over turbulent aeration at 28 to 30 C. Larvae hatched in 7 d at 28 C. Survival rates > 50 % after 15 d were obtained when larvae were fed salmon starter twice daily at a rate of 20 mg/L/d, and tanks were thoroughly cleaned daily.
- Development of a diet for rearing juvenile freshwater musselsGatenby, Catherine M. (Virginia Tech, 1994-04-15)Over 100 species of freshwater mussels (Unionidae) are endangered or threatened in the United States, and another dozen species support a declining commercial harvest of shells for the cultured pearl industry in Asia. Because of these Significant declines in abundance, a study was undertaken to develop a diet for rearing juvenile mussels, with the goal of long-term propagation of rare species. Three trials were conducted to test various tri-algal and commercial diets and to determine the influence of silt in survival and growth of the rainbow mussel (Villosa iris) and giant floater (Pyganodon grandis). After 45 days post-metamorphosis, juvenile V. iris fed algae with silt exhibited a two-fold increase in shell length (532 μm), and 63.5% survival. Juvenile P. grandis exhibited similar results at 45 days post-metamorphosis. In comparison, all juvenile mussels fed algae without the presence of silt exhibited no increase in shell length after 45 days post-metamorphosis. However, survival varied between species. Survival after 45 days was 5.0% for V. iris and 43.3% for P. grandis. P. grandis is probably more tolerant of a variety of environmental conditions. Analysis of covariance showed that growth rate over time (120 days) of P. grandis was significantly greater than that of V. iris. Shell lengths of P. grandis juveniles fed algae in the substrates kaolin, sterilized silt, sterilized silt plus Aqua Bacta-Aid, and bacteria-colonized silt were Similar, indicating that bacteria were not essential to juvenile digestion or nutrition. Shell lengths of V. iris juveniles fed algae in kaolin or algae in bacteria-colonized silt also were similar after 60 days. Juvenile mussels appear to be pedal-feeding for approximately 120 ± 30 days, depending on the species; hence, silt probably serves as a physical substratum for pedal-feeding mussels to collect food particles. Subsequent tests indicated that growth was significantly correlated with algae high in oils which contain polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA). V. iris juveniles fed a tri-algal diet, consisting of Neoehloris oleoabundans~ Phaeodactylum tricornutum, and Bracteacoccus grandis (NPB), with silt substratum showed the best growth over time. Individuals achieved a mean shell length of 1747 μm and had 30.0% survival after 140 days postmetamorphosis. All other tri-algal diets tested enhanced growth over the commonly used green tri-algal mix of Chlorella, Ankistrodesmus, and Chlamydomonas (CAC), and all algae diets enhanced growth over a silt-only diet. Commercial yeast diets did not support growth. After 272 days post-metamorphosis, V. iris fed CAC in silt achieved a maximum shell length of 4520 μm (17-fold increase in length), with a mean length of 2968 μm and approximately 5% survival. After 195 days postmetamorphosis, P. grandis achieved a maximum shell length of 7846 μm (22- fold increase in length), with a mean of 4877 μm and approximately 12% survival. Results of all feeding trials indicate that algae are a suitable food source for rearing early juvenile freshwater mussels. A tri-a1gal diet high in oils resulted in greater growth than all other diets tested. Resident bacteria in riverine sediments were not essential to growth and survival of juvenile mussels. Silt provided some nutritional value, but primarily served as a physical substratum for pedal-feeding juveniles.
- Development of a suitable diet for endangered juvenile oyster mussels, Epioblasma capsaeformis (Bivalvia:Unionidae), reared in a captive environmentVincie, Meghann Elizabeth (Virginia Tech, 2008-08-25)Epioblasma capsaeformis, commonly named the oyster mussel, once occupied thousands of miles of stream reaches, but has now been reduced in range to small, isolated populations in a few river reaches. Due to this significant decline in population numbers, a study was conducted to develop a diet for propagating this endangered species under captive conditions. Oyster mussel juveniles were collected from several sites on the Clinch River and sacrificed for gut content and biochemical composition analyses in summer. Feces and pseudofeces from live river-collected juveniles were examined seasonally for algae, detritus, and bacteria to qualitatively determine diet of specimens. Two feeding trials also were conducted in this study to evaluate effect of diet (commercial and non-commercial diets), on growth and survival of oyster mussel juveniles. From examination of gut contents, fecal and pseudofecal samples, it was apparent that algae and a significant amount of detritus (~90%) composed wild juvenile diets. E. capsaeformis juveniles (1-3 y of age) could have fed on particles up to 20 µm in size and seemed they were mostly ingesting particles within the 1.5-12 µm size range. Protein content of sacrificed juveniles ranged from 313 to 884 mg/g and was highly variable. Glycogen content ranged from 49-171 mg/g. Caloric content of four juveniles ranged from 2,935.10 to 4,287.94 cal/g, providing a preliminary baseline range for future energetic studies on freshwater mussels. Growth was significantly higher in those juveniles fed the triple concentration algae-mix (62,076 cells/ml) than all other diets tested in trial 1. Results of both feeding trials indicated that survival of juvenile oyster mussels was enhanced when fed an algal diet supplemented by bioflocs.
- Development of an Algal Diet for Rearing Juvenile Freshwater Mussels (Unionidae)Beck, Kevin Moran (Virginia Tech, 2001-05-10)Feeding selectivity by the rainbow mussel (Villosa iris) was examined for three age groups; 2-3 days old, 50-53 days old, and 3-6 years old. The mussels were fed an algal diet consisting of Scenedesmus quadricauda (22.3 - 44.5 μm), Nannochloropsis oculata (2.8 – 8.1 μm), and Selenastrum capricornutum (3.6 – 8.5 μm) in equal cell densities. The change in relative abundance of each algal species within feeding chambers over a 5 hr feeding trial was used to discern selectivity. At the conclusion of the feeding trials, the gut contents of mussels were analyzed for preferential ingestion. The mussels selected for N. oculata and S. capricornutum over S. quadricauda (p < 0.05). This may be an indication of particle size-dependent selection. Feeding trials also suggest that selectivity by the rainbow mussel does not change with age. Gut content analyses showed a preferential ingestion of algae, in the sequence N. oculata, S. capricornutum, then S. quadricauda. The suitability of two algal diets, S. quadricauda and N. oculata, for rearing captive juveniles of V. iris in 145-L recirculating culture systems was compared. Juveniles were fed their assigned diet at a density rate of approximately 30,000 cells/ml for 42 days, and sampled weekly for percent survival and shell length. Regardless of diet, juvenile survival decreased rapidly after 21 days, and growth did not exceed approximately 450 μm. High mortality rates and slow growth of juveniles was likely due to inadequate diets. Juveniles that were fed S. quadricauda lacked chlorophyll coloration in their guts, indicating that the juveniles did not ingest this species of algae. Colonies of S. quadricauda were likely too large for the juveniles to ingest. The gut content of juveniles fed N. oculata showed chlorophyll coloration, indicating that the juveniles ingested this species, but N. oculata may have been difficult for the juveniles to assimilate. Under the culture conditions provided, survival and growth did not compare favorably to those of other studies with V. iris. Newly metamorphosed juveniles of V. iris were reared in 145-L recirculating culture systems containing sediment (< 600 μm) of two depths, 5 mm and 15 mm. Mussels were fed a bi-algal diet of Nannochloropsis oculata and Neochloris oleoabundans. Survival differed significantly between treatments (p=0.04), and was higher for juveniles reared in 5 mm of sediment over a 40-day period. Growth was not significantly different between treatments. After 40 days, juveniles achieved a mean length of approximately 578 μm in both treatments. Survival and growth of juveniles compared favorably to those of other culture studies using juveniles of V. iris. A shallow layer of sediment is recommended for the culture of juvenile mussels.
- Development of juvenile culture techniques and testing of potential biomarkers of environmental stress in freshwater mussels (Bivalvia: Unionidae)Beaty, Braven B. (Virginia Tech, 1999-04-22)The freshwater mussel fauna of the Clinch River in Southwest Virginia has declined in recent decades, principally due to habitat degradation from poor land-use patterns and pollutants. A study was undertaken to determine the feasibility of using river water in a flow-through culture system to rear juvenile freshwater mussels. The culture method placed juvenile mussels, confined in small dishes, into oval troughs supplied with untreated river water. Two of three years produced acceptable survival rates of 27% and 19% to an age of 90 days or greater. The third year yielded very low survival rates of less than 3%, demonstrating that failures in culture production can occur. Growth rates of juveniles in the culture system using river water were almost double those in laboratory culture systems, provided that juveniles were placed in the oval troughs during June. Otherwise, growth was comparable to that attained in laboratory culture systems.
- Distribution and life history of the endangered James Spinymussel, pieurobema collina (bivalvia: unionidae)Hove, Mark Curtis (Virginia Tech, 1990-05-05)Distribution of the James spinymussel (Pleurobema collina) and aspects of its life history were studied from June 1987 to October 1989. Field and laboratory observations were used to determine gravidity and glochidial release periods, fish host requirements, age class structure, growth characteristics, and juvenile survival. Stream surveys conducted at 243 sites in 20 counties revealed new populations of this species in three subdrainages (Catawba Creek, Pedlar River, and Mechums River), of the James River, greatly expanding its known range. Female P. collina were gravid from late May through early August 1988 and 1989 in Craig Creek, Virginia, and the South Fork Potts Creek, West Virginia. Glochidia were released from late June through early July in the South Fork Potts Creek, at mean water temperatures between 21 and 25 °C, and discharges between 0.013 and 0.050 m l/sec. Field observations and laboratory tests confirmed that cyprinids serve as fish hosts for P. collina glochidia. Glochidia of the James spinymussel were identified on the common shiner (Notropis cornutus), rosyside dace (Clinostomus funduloides), bluehead chub (Nocomis leptocephalus), pumpkinseed (Lepomis gibbosus), and fantail darter (Etheostoma flabellare) in the South Fork Potts Creek. Eleven fish families were tested for suitability as fish hosts in the laboratory, but only the following 7 species served as hosts: bluehead chub (N. leptocephalus), rosyside dace (C. funduloides), satinfin shiner (N. analostanus), rosefin shiner (N. ardens), central stoneroller (Campostoma anomalum), blacknose dace (Rhinichthys atratulus), and mountain redbelly dace (Phoxinus oreas). Juvenile P. collina, fed a mixture of three green algae species in chambers with and without silt, lived 50 days. Juveniles in silt grew significantly faster than those not in silt after 18 days. Age and growth characteristics of adults were obtained by thin-sectioning valves collected in muskrat middens in Dicks and Johns creeks, Virginia. Ages ranged between 3 and 19 yr, and a strong year class was identified at age 11. Mean annual mortality rate was calculated to be 9.8%. As predicted by the von Bertalanffy growth equation, P. collina reaches a maximum length of 74.4 mm, and annual growth increments decrease from 7.04 mm/yr (age 1) to 0.88 mm/yr (age 19). As judged by qualitative surveys, current populations of P. collina in Craig Creek, Johns Creek, and the South Fork Potts Creek appear to be self-sustaining. Populations in Catawba and Patterson creeks appear to be small and are probably in jeopardy of being extirpated. The status of the James spiny mussel in Dicks Creek, Rocky Run, and Pedlar and Mechums rivers is unknown since these streams were not extensively surveyed.
- Distribution, Genetic Characterization, and Life History of the James spinymussel, Pleurobema collina (Bivalvia: Unionidae), in Virginia and North CarolinaPetty, Melissa A. (Virginia Tech, 2005-02-11)Three spined, mussel species occur in the United States along the Atlantic slope; James spinymussel (Pleurobema collina), Tar spinymussel (Elliptio steinstansana), and Altamaha spinymussel (E. spinosa). The James spinymussel was listed as endangered in 1988, and was until recently considered to be endemic to the James River basin (Clarke and Neves 1984; USFWS 1990). Biologists with the North Carolina Department of Transportation (NCDOT) discovered spinymussel populations in the Dan and Mayo rivers in NC in 2000 and 2001, respectively. The U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service (USFWS) tentatively identified this species as Pleurobema collina. My project proposed by the Virginia Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit to the USFWS and the Virginia Transportation Research Council, determined where P. collina resides in VA and what the extent of its range is within the state. An informal preliminary survey design for P. collina was used during the summer of 2002 and simple random sampling was deployed in 2003-2004 surveys to provide a good basis for comparison to gauge the efficiency of the informal sampling design. In 2002, a total of 116 person-hours were spent surveying 39 localities on the Mayo, Dan, and Smith rivers. A total of 96 P. collina was observed in the South Fork of the Mayo River, Patrick and Henry counties, VA. A documented range of 24 rkm was established in the South Fork Mayo River. During the summers of 2003 and 2004, a total of 228 person-hours were spent surveying 38 equal-area river reaches (10, 000 m2) on the mainstems of the Dan, Smith, South Mayo, and Banister rivers. No specimens of P. collina (live or relic shells) were detected. A simple random sampling approach was designed to be easy, relatively quick and cost effective, applicable to most rivers, and to provide actual numbers for comparison. Negative results were only reported after 6 person-hours of searching within each randomly selected, equal-area river reach had been expended. P. collina was declared absent from the VA random sites surveyed in 2003-2004 with a confidence of ~90%. A genetic characterization of four extant populations of P. collina was conducted to assess its taxonomic affinity and to resolve conservation issues related to recovery planning and management actions. The populations were examined for phenotypic variation, and were characterized phylogenetically using DNA sequences. A comprehensive analysis was performed for both separate and combined mitochondrial (357 bp of cytochrome-b, 916 bp of ND-1) and nuclear (502 bp of ITS-1) DNA sequences. Based on comprehensive molecular, morphological, and life history data, populations of P. collina sampled from the Dan River sub-drainage do not warrant separate species designation from P. collina sampled from the James River drainage.
- An Ecotoxicological Evaluation of the North Fork Holston River below Saltville, Virginia and Identification of Potential Stressors to Freshwater Mussels (Bivalvia:Unionidae)Echols, Brandi Shontia (Virginia Tech, 2007-04-13)Mercury contamination of the North Fork Holston River below Saltville, Virginia has nearly extirpated most mussel populations. Because natural recovery of these populations has not occurred, this research combined field and laboratory assessments to determine the extent of ecological impairment in the river. In situ 60-day Asian clam (Corbicula fluminea) growth studies in 2005 showed a positive correlation (p=0.03) between low clam growth and sediment mercury levels. Because of severe low flow conditions of the NFHR in late 2005 conductivity dissipation from a point source brine discharge downstream rarely reached background level (~345 µS/cm) and was observed as high as 690 µS/cm 640 m below the discharge site. In addition, conductivity doubled in the river section adjacent to the remediated Ponds 5 and 6 (rm 81.6 and 80.4). Such low flow conditions (mean flow < 50 ft3/sec) occur in the NFHR approximately every five years. This low flow situation also evidenced a thick white flocculent or floc observed to accumulate at the base of the two remediated ponds. Analysis of the flocculent determined it to be high in aluminum (1.9-38 mg/L) and iron (2.0-51.0 mg/L), well above US Environmental Protection Agency Water Quality Criteria limits (0.0087 and 1.0 mg/L, respectively); riverine sediments collected below the accumulated floc also had high levels of calcium (240,000-380,000 mg/kg) and mercury(0.62-1.7 mg/kg). Acute tests with juveniles of Villosa iris and <24-hr old Ceriodaphnia dubia were used to measure the toxicity of the brine discharge, which had a conductivity of ~ 14,000 µS/cm. Results of these tests indicated C. dubia to be more sensitive than V. iris; however, chronic toxicity test results were similar for V. iris and C. dubia. The Lowest Observed Adverse Effect Concentration (LOAEC) for mussel survivorship after 28 days was 10,000 µS/cm, while the LOAEC for growth was 5,000 µS/cm. LOAECs for the C. dubia 7-day chronic were 25 % (survivorship) and 12.5 % (reproduction), while mean conductivity at these two concentrations was 4,054 and 2,211 µS/cm, respectively. Toxicity tests conducted with Pond 6 dyke cut discharges resulted in similar lethal concentrations for C. dubia and V. iris. Forty-eight hour LC50s of these discharges ranged from 12.07-15.95 % for C. dubia, and 17.36-18.95 % for V. iris. Dyke cut discharges also exhibited exceedingly high alkaline pH (11.5-12.2), which caused 100 % mortality to C. dubia in 15 min. The Pond 5 and 6 dyke discharges are the likely source for the flocculent accumulation at the base of the two remediated pond areas. The combined effect of mercury, aluminum and iron, along with periodic fluxes of high conductivity and alkaline pH during low flow conditions may contribute to low mussel recruitment downstream of Saltville, VA.