Browsing by Author "Ravi, S. S."
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- Efficient Synthesis of Mutants Using Genetic CrossesPratapa, Aditya; Jalihal, Amogh P.; Ravi, S. S.; Murali, T. M. (2018-06-29)The genetic cross is a fundamental, flexible, and widely-used experimental technique to create new mutant strains from existing ones. Surprisingly, the problem of how to efficiently compute a sequence of crosses that can make a desired target mutant from a set of source mutants has received scarce attention. In this paper, we make three contributions to this question. First, we formulate several natural problems related to efficient synthesis of a target mutant from source mutants. Our formulations capture experimentally-useful notions of verifiability (e.g., the need to confirm that a mutant contains mutations in the desired genes) and permissibility (e.g., the requirement that no intermediate mutants in the synthesis be inviable). Second, we develop combinatorial techniques to solve these problems. We prove that checking the existence of a verifiable, permissible synthesis is NP-complete in general. We complement this result with three polynomial time or fixed-parameter tractable algorithms for optimal synthesis of a target mutant for special cases of the problem that arise in practice. Third, we apply these algorithms to simulated data and to synthetic data. We use results from simulations of a mathematical model of the cell cycle to replicate realistic experimental scenarios where a biologist may be interested in creating several mutants in order to verify model predictions. Our results show that the consideration of permissible mutants can affect the existence of a synthesis or the number of crosses in an optimal one. Our algorithms gracefully handle the restrictions that permissible mutants impose. Results on synthetic data show that our algorithms scale well with increases in the size of the input and the fixed parameters.
- Formal Approaches to Globally Asynchronous and Locally Synchronous DesignXue, Bin (Virginia Tech, 2011-08-22)The research reported in this dissertation is motivated by two trends in the system-on-chip (SoC) design industry. First, due to the incessant technology scaling, the interconnect delays are getting larger compared to gate delays, leading to multi-cycle delays in communication between functional blocks on the chip, which makes implementing a synchronous global clock difficult, and power consuming. As a result, globally asynchronous and locally synchronous (GALS) designs have been proposed for future SoCs. Second, due to time-to-market pressure, and productivity gain, intellectual property (IP) block reuse is a rising trend in SoC design industry. Predesigned IPs may already be optimized and verified for timing for certain clock frequency, and hence when used in an SoC, GALS offers a good solution that avoids reoptimizing or redesigning the existing IPs. A special case of GALS, known as Latency-Insensitive Protocol (LIP) lets designers adopt the well-understood and developed design flow of synchronous design while solving the multi-cycle latency at the interconnects. The communication fabrics for LIP are synchronous pipelines with hand shaking. However, handshake based protocol has complex control logics and the unnecessary handshake brings down the system's throughput. That is why scheduling based LIP was proposed to avoid the hand-shakes by pre-calculated clock gating sequences for each block. It is shown to have better throughput and easier to implement. Unfortunately, static scheduling only exists for bounded systems. Therefore, this type of design in literatures restrict their discussions to systems whose graphic representation has a single strongly connected component (SCC), which by the theory is bounded. This dissertation provides an optimization design flow for LIP synthesis with respect to back pressure, throughput and buffer sizes. This is based on extending the scheduled LIP with minimum modifications to render it general enough to be applicable to most systems, especially those with multiple SCCs. In order to guarantee the design correctness, a formal framework that can analyze concurrency and prevent fallacious behaviors such as overflow, deadlock etc., is required. Among many formal models of concurrency used previously in asynchronous system design, marked graphs, periodic clock calculus and polychrony are chosen for the purpose of modeling, analyzing and verifying in this work. Polychrony, originally developed for embedded software modeling and synthesis, is able to specify multi-rate interfaces. Then a synchronous composition can be analyzed to avoid incompatibly and combinational loops which causes incorrect GALS distribution. The marked graph model is a good candidate to represent the interconnection network which is quite suitable for modeling the communication and synchronizations in LIP. The periodic clock calculus is useful in analyzing clock gating sequences because periodic clock calculus easily captures data dependencies, throughput constraints as well as buffer sizes required for synchronization. These formal methods help establish a formally based design flow for creating a synchronous design and then transforming it into a GALS implementation either using LIP or in a more general GALS mechanisms.
- GDSCalc: A Web-Based Application for Evaluating Discrete Graph Dynamical SystemsAbdelhamid, S. H. E.; Kuhlman, Christopher J.; Marathe, Madhav V.; Mortveit, H. S.; Ravi, S. S. (PLOS, 2015-08-11)Discrete dynamical systems are used to model various realistic systems in network science, from social unrest in human populations to regulation in biological networks. A common approach is to model the agents of a system as vertices of a graph, and the pairwise interactions between agents as edges. Agents are in one of a finite set of states at each discrete time step and are assigned functions that describe how their states change based on neighborhood relations. Full characterization of state transitions of one system can give insights into fundamental behaviors of other dynamical systems. In this paper, we describe a discrete graph dynamical systems (GDSs) application called GDSCalc for computing and characterizing system dynamics. It is an open access system that is used through a web interface. We provide an overview of GDS theory. This theory is the basis of the web application; i.e., an understanding of GDS provides an understanding of the software features, while abstracting away implementation details. We present a set of illustrative examples to demonstrate its use in education and research. Finally, we compare GDSCalc with other discrete dynamical system software tools. Our perspective is that no single software tool will perform all computations that may be required by all users; tools typically have particular features that are more suitable for some tasks. We situate GDSCalc within this space of software tools.
- Parallel Algorithms for Switching Edges and Generating Random Graphs from Given Degree Sequences using HPC PlatformsBhuiyan, Md Hasanuzzaman (Virginia Tech, 2017-11-09)Networks (or graphs) are an effective abstraction for representing many real-world complex systems. Analyzing various structural properties of and dynamics on such networks reveal valuable insights about the behavior of such systems. In today's data-rich world, we are deluged by the massive amount of heterogeneous data from various sources, such as the web, infrastructure, and online social media. Analyzing this huge amount of data may take a prohibitively long time and even may not fit into the main memory of a single processing unit, thus motivating the necessity of efficient parallel algorithms in various high-performance computing (HPC) platforms. In this dissertation, we present distributed and shared memory parallel algorithms for some important network analytic problems. First, we present distributed memory parallel algorithms for switching edges in a network. Edge switch is an operation on a network, where two edges are selected randomly, and one of their end vertices are swapped with each other. This operation is repeated either a given number of times or until a specified criterion is satisfied. It has diverse real-world applications such as in generating simple random networks with a given degree sequence and in modeling and studying various dynamic networks. One of the steps in our edge switch algorithm requires generating multinomial random variables in parallel. We also present the first non-trivial parallel algorithm for generating multinomial random variables. Next, we present efficient algorithms for assortative edge switch in a labeled network. Assuming each vertex has a label, an assortative edge switch operation imposes an extra constraint, i.e., two edges are randomly selected and one of their end vertices are swapped with each other if the labels of the end vertices of the edges remain the same as before. It can be used to study the effect of the network structural properties on dynamics over a network. Although the problem of assortative edge switch seems to be similar to that of (regular) edge switch, the constraint on the vertex labels in assortative edge switch leads to a new difficulty, which needs to be addressed by an entirely new algorithmic approach. We first present a novel sequential algorithm for assortative edge switch; then we present an efficient distributed memory parallel algorithm based on our sequential algorithm. Finally, we present efficient shared memory parallel algorithms for generating random networks with exact given degree sequence using a direct graph construction method, which involves computing a candidate list for creating an edge incident on a vertex using the Erdos-Gallai characterization and then randomly creating the edges from the candidates.
- A PMU placement scheme considering realistic costs and modern trends in relayingPal, A.; Vullikanti, A. K.; Ravi, S. S. (2016-04-07)
- Providing High Performance Computing based Models as a Service: Architecture and Services for Modeling Contagions on Large Networked PopulationsEl Meligy Abdelhamid, Sherif Hanie (Virginia Tech, 2017-02-06)Network science emerged as an interdisciplinary field over the last 20 years, and played a central role to address fundamental problems in other fields, e.g., epidemiology, public health, and transportation, and is now part of most university curriculums. Network dynamics is a major area within network science where researchers study different forms of processes in networked populations, such as the spread of emotions, influence, opinions, flu, ebola, and mass movements. These processes often referred to individually and collectively as contagions. Contagions are increasingly studied because of their economic, social, and political impacts. Yet, resources for studying network dynamics are largely dispersed and stand-alone. Furthermore, many researchers interested in the study of networks are not computer scientists. As a result, they do not have easy access to computing and data resources. Even with the presence of software or tools, it is challenging to install, build, and maintain software. These challenges create a barrier for researchers and domain scientists. The goal of this work is the design and implementation of a research framework for modeling contagions on large networked populations. The framework consists of various systems and services that provide support for researchers and domain scientists at different stages of their research workflow.