Browsing by Author "Xiao, Shucai"
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- Generalizing the Utility of Graphics Processing Units in Large-Scale Heterogeneous Computing SystemsXiao, Shucai (Virginia Tech, 2013-07-03)Today, heterogeneous computing systems are widely used to meet the increasing demand for high-performance computing. These systems commonly use powerful and energy-efficient accelerators to augment general-purpose processors (i.e., CPUs). The graphic processing unit (GPU) is one such accelerator. Originally designed solely for graphics processing, GPUs have evolved into programmable processors that can deliver massive parallel processing power for general-purpose applications. Using SIMD (Single Instruction Multiple Data) based components as building units; the current GPU architecture is well suited for data-parallel applications where the execution of each task is independent. With the delivery of programming models such as Compute Unified Device Architecture (CUDA) and Open Computing Language (OpenCL), programming GPUs has become much easier than before. However, developing and optimizing an application on a GPU is still a challenging task, even for well-trained computing experts. Such programming tasks will be even more challenging in large-scale heterogeneous systems, particularly in the context of utility computing, where GPU resources are used as a service. These challenges are largely due to the limitations in the current programming models: (1) there are no intra-and inter-GPU cooperative mechanisms that are natively supported; (2) current programming models only support the utilization of GPUs installed locally; and (3) to use GPUs on another node, application programs need to explicitly call application programming interface (API) functions for data communication. To reduce the mapping efforts and to better utilize the GPU resources, we investigate generalizing the utility of GPUs in large-scale heterogeneous systems with GPUs as accelerators. We generalize the utility of GPUs through the transparent virtualization of GPUs, which can enable applications to view all GPUs in the system as if they were installed locally. As a result, all GPUs in the system can be used as local GPUs. Moreover, GPU virtualization is a key capability to support the notion of "GPU as a service." Specifically, we propose the virtual OpenCL (or VOCL) framework for the transparent virtualization of GPUs. To achieve good performance, we optimize and extend the framework in three aspects: (1) optimize VOCL by reducing the data transfer overhead between the local node and remote node; (2) propose GPU synchronization to reduce the overhead of switching back and forth if multiple kernel launches are needed for data communication across different compute units on a GPU; and (3) extend VOCL to support live virtual GPU migration for quick system maintenance and load rebalancing across GPUs. With the above optimizations and extensions, we thoroughly evaluate VOCL along three dimensions: (1) show the performance improvement for each of our optimization strategies; (2) evaluate the overhead of using remote GPUs via several microbenchmark suites as well as a few real-world applications; and (3) demonstrate the overhead as well as the benefit of live virtual GPU migration. Our experimental results indicate that VOCL can generalize the utility of GPUs in large-scale systems at a reasonable virtualization and migration cost.
- Inter-Block GPU Communication via Fast Barrier SynchronizationXiao, Shucai; Feng, Wu-chun (Department of Computer Science, Virginia Polytechnic Institute & State University, 2009)The graphics processing unit (GPU) has evolved from a fixed-function processor with programmable stages to a programmable processor with many fixed-function components that deliver massive parallelism. Consequently, GPUs increasingly take advantage of the programmable processing power for general-purpose, non-graphics tasks, i.e., general-purpose computation on graphics processing units (GPGPU). However, while the GPU can massively accelerate data parallel (or task parallel) applications, the lack of explicit support for inter-block communication on the GPU hampers its broader adoption as a general-purpose computing device. Inter-block communication on the GPU occurs via global memory and then requires a barrier synchronization across the blocks, i.e., inter-block GPU communication via barrier synchronization. Currently, such synchronization is only available via the CPU, which in turn, incurs significant overhead. Thus, we seek to propose more efficient methods for inter-block communication. To systematically address this problem, we first present a performance model for the execution of kernels on GPUs. This performance model partitions the kernel’s execution time into three phases: (1) kernel launch to the GPU, (2) computation on the GPU, and (3) inter-block GPU communication via barrier synchronization. Using three well-known algorithms — FFT, dynamic programming, and bitonic sort — we show that the latter phase, i.e., inter-block GPU communication, can consume more than 50% of the overall execution time. Therefore, we propose three new approaches to inter-block GPU communication via barrier synchronization, all of which run only on the GPU: GPU simple synchronization, GPU tree-based synchronization, and GPU lock-free synchronization. We then evaluate the efficacy of each of these approaches in isolation via a micro-benchmark as well as integrated with the three aforementioned algorithms. For the micro-benchmark, the experimental results show that our GPU lock-free synchronization performs 7.8 times faster than CPU explicit synchronization and 3.7 times faster than CPU implicit synchronization. When integrated with the FFT, dynamic programming, and bitonic sort algorithms, our GPU lock-free synchronization improves the performance by 8%, 24%, and 39%, respectively, when compared to the more efficient CPU implicit synchronization.
- On the Robust Mapping of Dynamic Programming onto a Graphics Processing UnitXiao, Shucai; Aji, Ashwin M.; Feng, Wu-chun (Department of Computer Science, Virginia Polytechnic Institute & State University, 2009)Graphics processing units (GPUs) have been widely used to accelerate algorithms that exhibit massive data parallelism or task parallelism. When such parallelism is not inherent in an algorithm, computational scientists resort to simply replicating the algorithm on every multiprocessor of a NVIDIA GPU, for example, to create such parallelism, resulting in embarrassingly parallel ensemble runs that deliver significant aggregate speed-up. However, the fundamental issue with such ensemble runs is that the problem size to achieve this speed-up is limited to the available shared memory and cache of a GPU multiprocessor. An example of the above is dynamic programming (DP), one of the Berkeley 13 dwarfs. All known DP implementations to date use the coarse-grained approach of embarrassingly parallel ensemble runs because a finer-grained parallelization on the GPU would require extensive communication between the multiprocessors of a GPU, which could easily cripple performance as communication between multiprocessors is not natively supported in a GPU. Consequently, we address the above by proposing a fine-grained parallelization of a single instance of the DP algorithm that is mapped to the GPU. Our parallelization incorporates a set of techniques aimed to substantially improve GPU performance: matrix re-alignment, coalesced memory access, tiling, and GPU (rather than CPU) synchronization. The specific DP algorithm that we parallelize is cal led Smith-Waterman (SWat), which is an optimal local-sequence alignment algorithm. We use this SWat algorithm as a baseline to compare our GPU implementation, i.e., CUDA-SWat, to our Cell implementation, i.e., Cell-SWat.