Browsing by Author "Zhou, Xingyu"
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- Distributed Linear Bandits with Differential PrivacyLi, Fengjiao; Zhou, Xingyu; Ji, Bo (IEEE, 2024-02-06)In this paper, we study the problem of global reward maximization with only partial distributed feedback. This problem is motivated by several real-world applications (e.g., cellular network configuration, dynamic pricing, and policy selection) where an action taken by a central entity influences a large population that contributes to the global reward. However, collecting such reward feedback from the entire population not only incurs a prohibitively high cost, but often leads to privacy concerns. To tackle this problem, we consider distributed linear bandits with differential privacy, where a subset of users from the population are selected (called clients) to participate in the learning process and the central server learns the global model from such partial feedback by iteratively aggregating these clients’ local feedback in a differentially private fashion. We then propose a unified algorithmic learning framework, called differentially private distributed phased elimination (DP-DPE), which can be naturally integrated with popular differential privacy (DP) models (including central DP, local DP, and shuffle DP). Furthermore, we show that DP-DPE achieves both sublinear regret and sublinear communication cost. Interestingly, DP-DPE also achieves privacy protection “for free” in the sense that the additional cost due to privacy guarantees is a lower-order additive term. In addition, as a by-product of our techniques, the same results of “free” privacy can also be achieved for the standard differentially private linear bandits. Finally, we conduct simulations to corroborate our theoretical results and demonstrate the effectiveness of DP-DPE.
- On Kernelized Multi-Armed Bandits with ConstraintsZhou, Xingyu; Ji, Bo (2022-11-30)We study a stochastic bandit problem with a general unknown reward function and a general unknown constraint function. Both functions can be non-linear (even non-convex) and are assumed to lie in a reproducing kernel Hilbert space (RKHS) with a bounded norm. In contrast to safety-type hard constraints studied in prior works, we consider soft constraints that may be violated in any round as long as the cumulative violations are small. Our ultimate goal is to study how to utilize the nature of soft constraints to attain a finer complexity-regret-constraint trade-off in the kernelized bandit setting. To this end, leveraging primal-dual optimization, we propose a general framework for both algorithm design and performance analysis. This framework builds upon a novel sufficient condition, which not only is satisfied under general exploration strategies, including upper confidence bound (UCB), Thompson sampling (TS), and new ones based on random exploration, but also enables a unified analysis for showing both sublinear regret and sublinear or even zero constraint violation. We demonstrate the superior performance of our proposed algorithms via numerical experiments based on both synthetic and real-world datasets. Along the way, we also make the first detailed comparison between two popular methods for analyzing constrained bandits and Markov decision processes (MDPs) by discussing the key difference and some subtleties in the analysis, which could be of independent interest to the communities.
- (Private) Kernelized Bandits with Distributed Biased FeedbackLi, Fengjiao; Zhou, Xingyu; Ji, Bo (ACM, 2023-03-02)
- (Private) Kernelized Bandits with Distributed Biased FeedbackLi, Fengjiao; Zhou, Xingyu; Ji, Bo (ACM, 2023-02-28)In this paper, we study kernelized bandits with distributed biased feedback. This problem is motivated by several real-world applications (such as dynamic pricing, cellular network configuration, and policy making), where users from a large population contribute to the reward of the action chosen by a central entity, but it is difficult to collect feedback from all users. Instead, only biased feedback (due to user heterogeneity) from a subset of users may be available. In addition to such partial biased feedback, we are also faced with two practical challenges due to communication cost and computation complexity. To tackle these challenges, we carefully design a new \emph{distributed phase-then-batch-based elimination (DPBE)} algorithm, which samples users in phases for collecting feedback to reduce the bias and employs \emph{maximum variance reduction} to select actions in batches within each phase. By properly choosing the phase length, the batch size, and the confidence width used for eliminating suboptimal actions, we show that DPBE achieves a sublinear regret of $\tilde{O}(T^{1-\alpha/2}+\sqrt{\gamma_T T})$, where $\alpha\in (0,1)$ is the user-sampling parameter one can tune. Moreover, DPBE can significantly reduce both communication cost and computation complexity in distributed kernelized bandits, compared to some variants of the state-of-the-art algorithms (originally developed for standard kernelized bandits). Furthermore, by incorporating various \emph{differential privacy} models (including the central, local, and shuffle models), we generalize DPBE to provide privacy guarantees for users participating in the distributed learning process. Finally, we conduct extensive simulations to validate our theoretical results and evaluate the empirical performance.
- (Private) Kernelized Bandits with Distributed Biased FeedbackLi, Fengjiao; Zhou, Xingyu; Ji, Bo (ACM, 2023-06-19)We study kernelized bandits with distributed biased feedback. This problem is motivated by several real-world applications (such as dynamic pricing, cellular network configuration, and policy making), where users from a large population contribute to the reward of the action chosen by a central entity, but it is difficult to collect feedback from all users. Instead, only biased feedback (due to user heterogeneity) from a subset of users may be available. In addition to such biased feedback, we are also faced with two practical challenges due to communication cost and computation complexity. To tackle these challenges, we carefully design a new distributed phase-thenbatch- based elimination (DPBE) algorithm, which samples users in phases for collecting feedback to reduce the bias and employs maximum variance reduction to select actions in batches within each phase. By properly choosing the phase length, the batch size, and the confidence width used for eliminating suboptimal actions, we show that DPBE achieves a sublinear regret of ˜ 𝑂 (𝑇 1−𝛼/2 + √︁ 𝛾𝑇𝑇 ), where 𝛼 ∈ (0, 1) is the user-sampling parameter one can tune. Moreover, DPBE can significantly reduce both communication cost and computation complexity in distributed kernelized bandits, compared to some variants of the state-of-the-art algorithms (originally developed for standard kernelized bandits). Furthermore, by incorporating various differential privacy models, we generalize DPBE to provide privacy guarantees for users participating in the distributed learning process. The algorithm design, analyses, and numerical experiments are provided in the full version of this paper [4].
- Understanding the Role of Feedback in Online Learning with Switching CostsCheng, Duo; Zhou, Xingyu; Ji, Bo (2023)In this paper, we study the role of feedback in online learning with switching costs. It has been shown that the minimax regret is Θ(equation presented)(T2/3) under bandit feedback and improves to Θ(equation presented)(√T) under full-information feedback, where T is the length of the time horizon. However, it remains largely unknown how the amount and type of feedback generally impact regret. To this end, we first consider the setting of bandit learning with extra observations; that is, in addition to the typical bandit feedback, the learner can freely make a total of Bex extra observations. We fully characterize the minimax regret in this setting, which exhibits an interesting phase-transition phenomenon: when Bex = O(T2/3), the regret remains Θ(equation presented)(T2/3), but when Bex = Ω(T2/3), it becomes Θ(equation presented)(T/√Bex), which improves as the budget Bex increases. To design algorithms that can achieve the minimax regret, it is instructive to consider a more general setting where the learner has a budget of B total observations. We fully characterize the minimax regret in this setting as well and show that it is Θ(equation presented)(T/√B), which scales smoothly with the total budget B. Furthermore, we propose a generic algorithmic framework, which enables us to design different learning algorithms that can achieve matching upper bounds for both settings based on the amount and type of feedback. One interesting finding is that while bandit feedback can still guarantee optimal regret when the budget is relatively limited, it no longer suffices to achieve optimal regret when the budget is relatively large.