Scholarly Works, Business Information Technology

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  • Black Representation and District Compactness in Southern Congressional Districts
    Goedert, Nicholas; Hildebrand, Robert; Pierson, Matthew; Travis, Laurel; Fravel, Jamie (2024-04-01)
    This paper explores the assumed trade-off between district compactness and Black representation in legislative districts in the American South. We perform analysis both on heuristically generated districts using current US demographics, and on historical congressional maps since the 1970s. Computations are performed using an iterative heuristic to find feasible solutions guided by multiple objectives. We find that while the trade-off has been strongly observed historically, it is possible to effectively address both goals simultaneously in most cases. We are able to demonstrate maps substantially superior to the present enacted maps on both dimensions in at least seven of nine states analyzed. Nevertheless, the trade-off appears more necessary in states with larger and/or more heavily rural Black populations than in more urbanized states, where the drawing of compact Blackinfluence districts is easier.
  • Achieving strategic alignment between business and information technology with information technology governance: the role of commitment to principles and Top Leadership Support
    Lowry, Michelle Rene; Lowry, Paul Benjamin; Chatterjee, Sutirtha; Moody, Gregory D.; Richardson, Vernon J. (Taylor & Francis, 2024-08-25)
    IT governance (ITG) is crucial in achieving IT strategic alignment, but many organizations find this to be an elusive goal. We thus expand ITG into two components: ITG mechanisms and ITG principles. We propose that beyond the mere option of ITG mechanisms, organizations must fully embrace the broader “spirit” of ITG, which occurs when an organization is committed to ITG principles coupled with top leadership support. To test our theorization, we first developed and validated two new measures. We used the ITG framework of COBIT to create a measure of commitment to COBIT principles (CCP), and we found that CCP fully mediates ITG mechanisms’ relationship with strategic alignment. We thus illuminate a missing link between adopting ITG mechanisms and achieving strategic alignment by demonstrating the need to focus on ITG principles. We show that top leadership support for IT, including support at the board level, not only enhances CCP but also directly contributes to improved strategic alignment. Our study establishes that adopting ITG mechanisms is necessary but insufficient for achieving strategic alignment. Effective organizations go beyond implementing isolated ITG mechanisms; they fully embrace integrated COBIT-based principles, guided by a strong infusion of top leadership support, including board-level support.
  • Long Live the Metaverse: Identifying the Potential for Market Disruption and Future Research
    Lowry, Paul Benjamin; Boh, Waifong; Petter, Stacie; Leimeister, Jan Marco (2025)
    The Metaverse represents a transformative frontier, blending physical and virtual realities into immersive, persistent digital environments. This article explores the foundational components, emerging markets, and critical challenges shaping the Metaverse’s evolution. Although initial industry enthusiasm has been tempered by financial setbacks and shifting priorities toward generative AI, the Metaverse remains nascent, following a familiar hype cycle with other disruptive technologies. Drawing parallels with historical technological breakthroughs, we argue that continued hardware, software, and telecommunications advancements will unlock the Metaverse’s potential for profound societal and economic impact. We explore the potential for business approaches and collaborative efforts across various market sectors, including consumer goods and commercial services, as well as healthcare and industrial realms. To do so, we explain how technologies like virtual reality (VR), augmented reality (AR), and extended reality (XR) increase user participation through consuming content that creates a sense of presence while at the same time outlining Metaverse challenges, risks, technological difficulties, and sociotechnical factors. By dissecting specific use cases and proposing strategies for managing challenges like data privacy, security, and inclusivity, we chart a path for researchers and practitioners to foster innovation. The article concludes with a call to action for researchers to lead visionary efforts, urging them to anticipate and shape the future possibilities of the Metaverse beyond current technological and market constraints. By breaking down the Metaverse into targeted applications, this work provides a roadmap for advancing theory, design, and practice to unlock the Metaverse’s full disruptive potential. We challenge the notion that the Metaverse is “dead,” instead framing it as an enduring societal and economic transformation catalyst.
  • Balancing fear and confidence: A strategic approach to mitigating human risk in cybersecurity
    Galletta, Dennis F.; Moody, Gregory D.; Lowry, Paul Benjamin; Willison, Robert; Boss, Scott; Chen, Yan; Luo, Xin; Pienta, Daniel A.; Polak, Peter; Schuetze, Sebastian; Thatcher, Jason (2025)
    Despite technological advances, cybersecurity breaches persist, with human actions often being the weakest link. Educational programs and policies have been ineffective in reducing threats, as shown by rising trend data breaches and costs, averaging $9.48 million in 2023. The growing threat persists despite the plethora of tools and techniques, indicating a need for a strategic shift. Drawing on interviews with C-level IS executives and earlier experimental research, this paper advocates for greater care in warning users about security dangers, and simultaneously building their confidence in their ability to improve their cybersecurity safety. Managers must carefully balance their communications, instilling appropriate concern without causing excessive fear or negativity.
  • Evidence of horizontal gene transfer and environmental selection impacting antibiotic resistance evolution in soil-dwelling Listeria
    Goh, Ying-Xian; Anupoju, Sai Manohar Balu; Nguyen, Anthony; Zhang, Hailong; Ponder, Monica A.; Krometis, Leigh-Anne H.; Pruden, Amy; Liao, Jingqiu (Nature Research, 2024-11-19)
    Soil is an important reservoir of antibiotic resistance genes (ARGs) and understanding how corresponding environmental changes influence their emergence, evolution, and spread is crucial. The soil-dwelling bacterial genus Listeria, including L. monocytogenes, the causative agent of listeriosis, serves as a keymodel for establishing this understanding. Here, we characterize ARGs in 594 genomes representing 19 Listeria species that we previously isolated from soils in natural environments across the United States. Among the five putatively functional ARGs identified, lin,which confers resistance to lincomycin, is the most prevalent, followed by mprF, sul, fosX, and norB. ARGs are predominantly found in Listeria sensu stricto species, with those more closely related to L. monocytogenes tending to harbor more ARGs. Notably, phylogenetic and recombination analyses provide evidence of recent horizontal gene transfer (HGT) in all five ARGs within and/or across species, likelymediated by transformation rather than conjugation and transduction. In addition, the richness and genetic divergence of ARGs are associated with environmental conditions, particularly soil properties (e.g., aluminum and magnesium) and surrounding land use patterns (e.g., forest coverage). Collectively, our data suggest that recent HGT and environmental selection play a vital role in the acquisition and diversification of bacterial ARGs in natural environments.
  • Trade-offs Between Equity and Efficiency in Prioritizing Critical Infrastructure Investments: A Case of Stormwater Management Systems
    Baghersad, Milad; Zobel, Christopher W.; Farahani, Mehdi H.; Behara, Ravi S. (Sage, 2024-03)
    Critical infrastructures in many countries face the problem of aging and, thus, require significant upgrades to continue serving their purpose for the next few decades, especially in the face of extreme weather events caused by global climate change. Given the urgent need for such improvements and the substantial funding gaps being experienced, prioritizing investments in critical infrastructures is a challenging task for governments. Furthermore, the need to assure equitable solutions, as well as to consider deep uncertainty due to climate change, adds to the complexity of the problem. We seek to address this complexity by developing a set of models that explicitly consider both horizontal and vertical equity, along with efficiency, in prioritizing stormwater infrastructure improvement projects. While horizontal equity seeks to provide equal resources to everyone, vertical equity aims to allocate relatively more resources to vulnerable groups who are disproportionately susceptible to shocks and are more likely to fall into chronic poverty. By differentiating between losses in horizontal equity and vertical equity due to efficiency considerations, the models provide a practical approach to find the right balance among efficiency, horizontal equity, and vertical equity. The initial models are then extended into regret-based optimization models to help address the issue of deep uncertainty. A case study of stormwater infrastructure improvement in the City of Miami is presented, through which the performance of the models is explored both with and without the projected sea-level rise scenarios. The findings highlight the value of the proposed approach in promoting equity while maintaining efficiency.
  • Innovative research directions on environmental, social, and governance (ESG) principles in the context of intelligent computing technologies
    Lowry, Paul Benjamin (2024-07-07)
    In his keynote speech, Prof. Lowry addresses the pressing issues of global environmental, social, and governance challenges and presents ESG as a critical framework for sustainable development. He outlines the interconnected nature of these challenges, emphasizing the need for integrated and intelligent approaches to tackle them effectively. • Environmental Issues: Prof. Lowry highlights the urgency of addressing climate change, biodiversity loss, pollution, and resource depletion. Climate change is driven by rising greenhouse gases, resulting in global temperature rise, increased CO2 levels, and sea-level rise. Biodiversity is under threat due to habitat destruction and species extinction. Pollution affects air, water, and soil, leading to severe health and ecological consequences. Resource depletion, particularly of water, minerals, and fossil fuels, threatens global sustainability. • Social Issues: Key social challenges include poverty, inequality, health crises, and educational disparities. Poverty affects millions, with COVID-19 exacerbating the situation. Inequality manifests in economic, gender, and racial disparities, limiting access to resources and opportunities. Health crises, such as pandemics and lack of healthcare access, undermine global well-being. Educational disparities hinder development, with significant numbers of children and adults lacking access to quality education. • Governance Issues: Governance challenges, including corruption, lack of transparency, political instability, and weak rule of law, impede sustainable development. Corruption diverts public resources and erodes trust in institutions. Transparency is essential for accountability and informed citizen participation. Political instability disrupts governance and economic development, while weak rule of law leads to injustice and human rights abuses. ESG and Intelligent Computing: Prof. Lowry argues for integrating ESG principles with intelligent computing technologies, such as AI, machine learning, data analytics, and IoT, to enhance ESG practices. These technologies can predict environmental impacts, optimize resource management, ensure fair labor practices, enhance transparency, and engage stakeholders. He presents case examples of Unilever and Singapore's Smart Nation Initiative, demonstrating successful applications of intelligent computing in addressing ESG issues. Research Opportunities: Prof. Lowry concludes by calling for trans-disciplinary collaboration and innovative research to harness intelligent computing for ESG, driving sustainable and equitable global development. In doing so, he identifies research opportunities in AI for climate change mitigation, sustainable supply chain management, environmental monitoring, social impact analysis, governance enhancement, and circular economy promotion. By advancing research in these areas, intelligent computing can significantly contribute to sustainable development and address critical ESG challenges.
  • The role of dissonant relational multiplexity in information system implementation failures: Insights from a grounded theory approach
    Chatterjee, Sutirtha; Chakraborty, Suranjan; Fulk, H. Kevin; Lowry, Paul Benjamin (2024)
    In this study we investigate information system (IS) failures by leveraging a novel construct—dissonant relational multiplexity (RM)—to develop a unique perspective of these failures. Dissonant RM exists when two organizational stakeholders have multiple types of relationships that are in conflict. To investigate the salience of dissonant RM in IS failures, we use a case study combined with the analysis procedures of the grounded theory methodology (GTM) to examine a major failure in enterprise resource planning (ERP) implementation. Our analysis and theorization highlight that RM became increasingly dissonant in the relationships between key organizational stakeholders because of a shift in technological frames, which represent cognitive perceptions about technology. Further, a key insight from our findings is that the move to dissonant RM occurred through a process that we term relational unbalancing. In addition, we also find evidence of an opposing relational balancing process that was used by stakeholders to address dissonant RM. Such stakeholder efforts were often undermined by inherent constraints in the implemented technology. The relational balancing efforts were not productive, and the dissonant RM continued to exist, ultimately contributing to the failure of the ERP implementation. Our study shows that IS failures are characterized by elements of both determinism and indeterminism, are undoubtedly sociotechnical in nature, and are shaped by technological constraints and stakeholder perceptions of those constraints. From a practical standpoint, our study highlights the importance of managing multiplex stakeholder relationships in an IS implementation process, especially when the multiplexity is shaped by the technology.
  • Asymmetries in Potential for Partisan Gerrymandering
    Goedert, Nicholas; Hildebrand, Robert; Travis, Laurel; Pierson, Matthew (2024)
    This paper investigates the effectiveness of potential partisan gerrymandering of the U.S. House of Representatives across a range of states. We use a heuristic algorithm to generate district maps that optimize for multiple objectives, including compactness, partisan benefit, and competitiveness. While partisan gerrymandering is highly effective for both sides, we find that the majority of states are moderately biased toward Republicans when optimized for either compactness or partisan benefit, meaning that Republican gerrymanders have the potential to be more effective. However, we also find that more densely populated and more heavily Hispanic states show less Republican bias or even Democratic bias. Additionally, we find that in almost all cases we can generate reasonably compact maps with very little sacrifice to partisan objectives through a mixed objective function. This suggests that there is a strong potential for stealth partisan gerrymanders that are both compact and beneficial to one party. Nationwide, partisan gerrymandering is capable of swinging over one hundred seats in the U.S. House, even when compact districts are simultaneously sought.
  • How do consumers make behavioral decisions on social commerce platforms? The interaction effect between behavior visibility and social needs
    Jia, Yanli; Liu, Libo; Lowry, Paul Benjamin (2024)
    The online phenomenon of social commerce (i.e., s-commerce) platforms has emerged as a combination of online social networking and e-commerce. On s-commerce platforms, consumers can observe others’ behavioral decisions and can distinguish those made by their friends from those made by their followees (i.e., the people a focal consumer follows but who do not follow that consumer back). Given this distinction, our study examines how consumers’ behavioral decisions—regarding, for example, purchases, ratings, or “likes”—are made on s-commerce platforms, with a focus on how they are influenced by prior decisions of friends and followees. Combining panel data from a large s-commerce platform and two controlled experiments, we identify a strong normative social influence pattern in which consumers tend to follow others’ prior decisions to gain social approval. Because the occurrence of normative social influence depends on both consumer behaviors with high public visibility and strong consumer needs to establish social ties, the unique information concerning behavior visibility and consumers’ social needs in the panel data allows us to identify normative social influence and to distinguish it from informational confounding mechanisms. Our panel data results show that on a friend network, where consumers’ behavioral decisions are visible, females exhibit a greater tendency to follow others’ prior decisions than males. We attribute this result to the stronger social needs of females. However, on a followee network, where behavioral decisions are invisible, these differences become less evident. Moreover, the two experiments demonstrate that making decision contexts private or activating social needs via a priming procedure can thwart (or even turn off) normative social influence. Our findings challenge prior research that identifies informational social influence as the predominant driver of conformity behaviors and thus have important implications for practice related to normative social influence, such as the development of techniques for satisfying consumers’ different social needs depending on their gender or any other situational factors on s-commerce platforms.
  • The influence of ERP-vendor contract compliance and transaction-specific investment on vendee trust: A signaling theory perspective
    Li, Xiaolin; Lowry, Paul Benjamin; Lai, Fujun (2024)
    The successful implementation of Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) systems is significantly predicated on establishing customer trust, a challenge particularly accentuated in mainland China due to its distinct business and legal environment and a noted high failure rate of ERP projects. Whereas contracts and transaction-specific investments are common strategies to build this trust, their effectiveness remains contested in the existing literature. Specifically, the underlying mechanisms through which detailed contracts influence trust are still not clearly understood. To address these gaps, our study employs signaling theory to conceptualize a model that elucidates how contract completeness, vendor contract compliance, and transaction-specific investment act as trust-building signals in ERP vendor–vendee relationships within the Chinese context. Furthermore, we introduce ownership type as an additional variable, evaluating its influence in shaping customer trust. Our empirical analysis draws on data from 208 Chinese organizations engaged in ERP implementations, revealing nuanced findings. Notably, the vendor’s ownership type, quantified by the degree of foreign ownership, negatively moderates both the results of contract completeness on contract compliance and the subsequent mediation effect on trust, thereby highlighting the critical influence of cultural factors. This study is among the pioneering empirical investigations into the synergistic roles of contract compliance and ownership type in mediating the relationship between contract completeness and trust. Our insights provide a robust foundation for understanding the complexities of contractual and relational governance in ERP vendor–vendee relationships, and we recommend targeted strategies for both vendors and customers to enhance trust in this critical business domain.
  • Theorizing with metaphors in OM/SCM Research: The case of supply chain resilience
    Kwaramba, Christopher; Meyer-Goldstein, Susan; Lowry, Paul Benjamin; Nottingham, Quinton; Cooper, Erica (2024)
  • Digitalization and network capability as enablers of business model innovation and sustainability performance: The moderating effect of environmental dynamism
    Li, Ying; Cui, Li; Wu, Lin; Lowry, Paul Benjamin; Kumar, Ajay; Tan, Kim Hua (2023)
    In the face of relentless global competition and regulatory pressures, the imperative for firms to digitally transform has become critical. This is particularly salient for Chinese manufacturing firms as they strive for sustainability, a multidimensional construct comprising both economic and environmental performance. Leveraging dynamic capabilities theory, this study aims to unravel the intricate interplay between digitalization, network capability, business model innovation (BMI), and environmental dynamism in shaping a firm’s sustainability performance. Our research is driven by a compelling question: How do digitalization and network capabilities impact firms’ sustainability performance, and what roles do BMI and environmental dynamism play in this relationship? To answer this question, we employed a robust survey-based methodology encompassing 1,600 Chinese manufacturing firms, yielding 255 completed and validated responses. The findings reveal that network capability mediates the influence of digitalization on two types of BMI—novelty-centered and efficiency-centered. Further, these forms of BMI act as mediators between digitalization and network capability, and the two dimensions of sustainability: economic and environmental performance. Notably, environmental dynamism serves as a double-edged sword. It negatively moderates the impact of digitalization on efficiency-centered BMI, but positively moderates the influence of network capability on the same. Our study offers nuanced theoretical and practical implications. It extends dynamic capabilities theory by elucidating how digital and network capabilities can be leveraged for sustainable outcomes via business model innovation. Moreover, the research provides managerial insights, particularly for Chinese manufacturing firms, on navigating the complex landscape of digital transformation toward sustainability. Considering these insights, we recommend that firms prioritize network capabilities and strategically innovate their business models to harness the full potential of digital transformation. Simultaneously, organizations should be cognizant of the environmental dynamism within which they operate, as it can both hinder and enable their journey toward sustainability.
  • Proposing the dual-process model to better explain self-disclosure on online social networking sites
    Zhang, Shanshang; Huang, Fengchun; Yu, Lingling; Wang, Jeremy; Lowry, Paul Benjamin (2023-11)
    Purpose – Researchers continue to address the concept of self-disclosure because it is foundational for helping social networking sites (SNS) function and thrive. Nevertheless, our literature review indicates that uncertainty remains around the underlying mechanisms and factors involved in the self-disclosure process. The purpose of this research is to better understand the self-disclosure process from the lens of dual-process theory (DPT). We consider both the controlled factors (i.e., self-presentation and reciprocity) and an automatic factor (i.e., social influence to use an SNS) involved in self-disclosure and broaden our proposed model to include the interactive facets of enjoyment. Design/methodology/approach – The proposed model was empirically validated by conducting a survey among users of WeChat Moments in China. Findings – As hypothesized, this research confirms that enjoyment and automatic processing (i.e., social influence to use an SNS) are complementary in the SNS self-disclosure process, and enjoyment negatively moderates the positive relationship between controlled factor (i.e., self-presentation) and self-disclosure. Originality/value – Theoretically, this study offers a new perspective in explaining the SNS self-disclosure by adopting DPT. Specifically, this study contributes to the extant SNS research by applying DPT to examine how the controlled factors and the automatic factor shape self-disclosure processes, and how enjoyment influences vary across these processes—enriching knowledge about SNS self-disclosure behaviors. Practically, we provide important design guidelines to practitioners concerning devising mechanisms to foster more automatic-enjoyable value-added functions to improve SNS users’ participation and engagement.
  • The antecedents of employees’ proactive information security behavior: The perspective of proactive motivation
    Xu, Feng; Hsu, Carol; Wang, David; Lowry, Paul Benjamin (2023)
    Organizational information security (ISec) protection is undergoing a turbulent shift in the workplace environment. In an environment of ever-increasing risks of insider threats and external cyberattacks, individual employees are often expected to take the initiative to solve organizational security problems. This study therefore focuses on employees’ proactive information security behaviors (ISBs)—behaviors that are self-initiated, change-oriented, and future-focused—and the motivations that compel employees to protect organizational assets. We ground our study in Parker et al.’s (2010) proactive motivation theory (ProMT) and develop an integrated multilevel model to examine the respective effects of proactive motivational states, that is, can-do, reason-to, and energized-to motivations, on employees’ proactive ISBs. We also explore the roles of individual differences and contextual factors—namely, proactive personality and supervisory ISec support—and their influences on proactive motivational states. Data were collected from 210 employees situated in 55 departments distributed among multiple organizations located in China. The results show that supervisory ISec support positively influences employees’ proactive motivational states and thereby boosts employees’ proactive ISBs. Proactive personality negatively moderates the effect of supervisory ISec support on flexible security role orientation (reason-to motivation). By identifying the antecedents of employees’ proactive ISBs, we make key theoretical contributions to ISec research and valuable practical contributions to organizational ISec management.
  • The roles of user interface design and uncertainty avoidance in B2C ecommerce success: Using evidence from three national cultures
    Hassna, Ghazwan; Rouibah, Kamel; Lowry, Paul Benjamin; Paliszkiewicz, Joanna; Madra-Sawicka, Magdalena (Elsevier, 2023-09-01)
    Most related previous studies have focused on measuring B2C ecommerce success instead of exploring its predictors, and even fewer studies have tested their models across diverse cultures, even though most ecommerce markets involve multiple cultures. Our study extends this line of research by newly identifying and incorporating three predictors of B2C ecommerce success's system-quality dimension: the formatting quality (FQ), picture quality (PQ), and third-party seal (TPS) user-interface-design factors (UIDFs). Given the uncertainty associated with online shopping, we also incorporated uncertainty avoidance's moderating influence on B2C ecommerce success as one of Hoftstede's national culture dimensions. Motivated by cross-cultural research suggesting that behavioral models often do not hold across different cultures, we tested our model using a sample of 768 B2C consumers from Kuwait, Poland, and Latvia. These countries represent three distinct and understudied national cultures: the Arab world, Central Europe, and Eastern Europe. Our results support our newly hypothesized model, suggesting that both picture quality and formatting positively affect system quality, while—surprisingly—TPSs do not. We also found that uncertainty avoidance moderates the relationship between user satisfaction and reuse intentions but not the relationship between perceived value and reuse intentions. Finally, we found that our newly expanded model is robust across the three national cultures we explored; therefore, it can explain reuse intentions in distinct cultures and a B2C ecommerce context. This study's findings present important implications for practitioners and researchers who seek to understand and improve B2C ecommerce success across distinct national cultures.
  • Balancing the commitment to sustainability and the protection of personal privacy: Consumer adoption of sustainable smart-connected cars
    Choi, Daaen Daniel; Lowry, Paul Benjamin (2023-10)
    Sustainable, smart connected cars (SSCCs) are one of the representative sustainable products that leverage smart technologies (e.g., the internet of things, artificial intelligence, big data). Although many studies have investigated consumers’ purchase decisions regarding sustainable products, little research has addressed SSCCs and the relationship between privacy, disclosure intentions, and purchase intentions in SSCCs. These relationships are important because the use of smart technology products requires large volumes of consumers’ personal information, which can lead to severe privacy issues when adopting SSCCs. Accordingly, consumers’ preferences for features of sustainable products could conflict with their privacy concerns when they disclose personal information. Thus, we investigate the relationship between the several benefits of SSCCs and privacy-related decisions when purchasing SSCCs. We propose an extended privacy trade-off model based on three critical assumptions: two types of privacy trade-offs, bidirectional privacy reduction, and anchoring effects. We also investigate the effects of government subsidies for purchasing SSCCs regarding the relationship between governments, companies, and consumers. To validate our model, we test the effects of interaction between privacy concerns and the benefits of SSCCs on disclosure intentions and purchase intentions. Our repeated tests for the various benefits of SSCCs demonstrate the robustness of the model. Our results indicate that when consumers consider purchasing SSCCs, sustainability plays the role of the common good in trading for privacy concerns. In addition, government subsidies to encourage companies’ sustainable products increase disclosure intentions and purchase intentions. We conclude that the status of sustainability as a common goal among governments, companies, and consumers represents an opportunity to balance the privacy tensions in the sale and purchase of SSCCs.
  • How can firms unlock successful implementation of digitalisation? Firm-level evidence from manufacturing companies
    Lu, Lixu; Ye, Fei; Lowry, Paul Benjamin; Kumar, Ajay (2023-10)
    Although starting the process of digitalisation is not difficult for many global companies, successful implementation of digitalisation is much more elusive. Our study thus addresses the following research question: How can companies manage and sustain the positive outcomes of digitalisation, particularly in a volatile environment? We developed a new framework based on dynamics capability theory. Through an investigation of 203 Chinese manufacturing companies that have achieved varying degrees of digitalisation, we found that two primary types of strategic flexibility—resource and coordination flexibility—fully mediated the positive relationship between digitalisation and firm performance. Moreover, market turbulence enhanced the positive mediation effects of strategic flexibility (i.e. resource and coordination flexibility) on the digitalisation–performance relationship. This result suggests that when a company faces a highly uncertain market environment but seeks to maintain the performance boost resulting from digitalisation, it needs to place increased emphasis on the flexibility with which it manages and updates its resource portfolios. Our proposed moderated-mediation mechanisms contribute to strategic IS research on digitalisation by elucidating how companies can manage and sustain successful digitalisation outcomes. Our findings also provide insights managers can use to unlock successful implementation of digitalisation.
  • The importance of theory at the Information Systems Journal
    Díaz Andrade, Antonio; Tarafdar, Monideepa; Davison, Robert M.; Hardin, Andrew; Techatassanasoontorn, Angsana A.; Lowry, Paul Benjamin; Chatterjee, Sutirtha; Schwabe, Gerhard (Wiley, 2023-07-01)
  • Cross-Country Determinants of Citizens’ E-Government Reuse Intention: Empirical Evidence from Kuwait and Poland
    Mirkovski, Kristijan; Rouibah, Kamel; Lowry, Paul Benjamin; Paliszkiewicz, Joanna; Ganc, Marzena (2023)
    Purpose: Despite the major IT investments made by public institutions, the reuse of e-government services remains an issue as citizens hesitate to use e-government websites regularly. In this study, we investigate the cross-country determinants of e-government reuse intention by proposing a theoretical model that integrates constructs from (1) the Delone and McLean IS success model (i.e., system quality, service quality, information quality, perceived value, and user satisfaction); (2) the trust and risk models (i.e., citizen trust, overall risk, time risk, privacy risk, and psychological risks); and (3) Hofstede’s cultural model (i.e., uncertainty avoidance, masculinity, individualism, and cross-cultural trust and risk). Design/methodology/approach: Based on data from interviews with 81 Kuwaiti citizens and surveys of 1,829 Kuwaiti and Polish citizens, we conducted comprehensive, cross-cultural, and comparative analyses of e-government reuse intention in a cross-country setting. Findings: The results show that trust is positively associated with citizens’ intention to reuse e-government services, whereas risk is negatively associated with citizens’ perceived value. We also found that masculinity–femininity and uncertainty avoidance are positively associated with the intention to reuse e-government services and that individualism–collectivism has no significant relationship with reuse intention. This study’s findings have important implications for researchers and practitioners seeking to understand and improve e-government success in cross-country settings. Originality/value: We developed a parsimonious model of quality, trust, risk, culture, and technology reuse that captures country-specific cultural contexts and enables us to conduct a comprehensive, cross-cultural, and comparative analysis of e-government reuse intention in the cross-country setting of Kuwait and Poland.