Studies on the morphology and systematics of scale insects. No. 14, A selected bibliography of the Coccoidea (Homoptera), third supplement (1970-1985)

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Virginia Agricultural Experiment Station


The Third Supplement to "A Selected Bibliography of the Coccoidea" cites the important literature on the classification of coccoids that appeared between January 1, 1970, the cutoff date of the Second Supplement (United States Department of Agriculture Miscellaneous Publication 1281, 1974), and December 31, 1985. In addition, it includes numerous earlier articles that were omitted from the previous bibliographies but that are now available and appear to be relevant. Letters following dates are a continuation from earlier bibliographies where they are needed to insure the continuity of the citation system and the sequence of publication. Where the date of publication differs from that on the title page of the volume containing the article, the latter date is shown in parenthesis before the volume number of the serial. This Supplement contains about 2400 entries and more than 850 author cross-references to assist users in finding articles by other than the first author. The general format and scope of this supplement, with few exceptions, is similar to the earlier bibliographies as outlined in the introduction of the original bibliography (United States Department of Agriculture Miscellaneous Publication 734, 1957)...


