Water in the 2001 General Assembly

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Virginia Water Resources Research Center


The 2001 Virginia General Assembly lasted from January 10 to February 24. The House of Delegates and Senate considered 2645 bills and resolutions. By our reckoning, 123 of these had something to do with water resources or water-related activities. This count is based on information available on the General Assembly’s Legislative Information Service (LIS) Web-site, http://leg1.state.va.us. To find water-related legislation, we searched nine LIS categories: conservation; drainage, soil conservation, sanitation, and public facilities districts; fisheries and habitat of tidal waters; game, inland fisheries, and boating; health; mines and mining; waste disposal; waters of the state, ports, and harbors; and water and sewer systems. Beginning on page 2, we present the resulting list of 102 bills and resolutions, along with summaries based on text found at the LIS’ Web-site. Our inventory is divided first into “Passed” and “Failed” and second into the nine categories listed above. Twenty-one other measures that were identical or very similar to measures in our list are noted at the end of the article. No budget bill was passed this year. In our list, consecutive numbers to the left of each measure are for cross-referencing purposes and have no legislative significance. The actual bill or resolution numbers identify a measure’s legislative origin, as follows: HB: bill started in the House of Delegates; HJ: joint resolution started in the House; SB: bill started in the Senate; and SJ: joint resolution started in the Senate. Our use of “etc.” indicates the necessary omission (due to space) of a substantial portion of the summary provided by the LIS. Abbreviations used for Virginia agencies are listed at the end of this article (page 9). Following the bill inventory we present a sample of opinions from Virginia newspaper editors on the main issues in the 2001 Virginia General Assembly.


