Sense of place and indigenous people's conservation: A brief political ecology of the seed and place. From modernization to globalization from above and from below. Towards the strengthening & re-indigenization of local epistemologies, ontologies, and cosmovisions

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For the "Indigenous Peoples" (IPs) of the Americas (North, Meso, and South), the constant and mostly violent process of erasure of their communal places is associated, from its inception to date, with colonization. In particular, with coloniality of power, and its latest stage, globalization. Colonization has denied the existence of the other. This premise paved the way to the appropriation of indigenous lands and territories in the Americas.



Globalization, Social impacts, Nongovernmental organizations (NGOs), Environmental impacts, Indigenous community, Economic impacts, Biodiversity conservation, Modernization, Coloniality of power, Locality, Cultures of the seed, Globalization, Place, Conservation, Political ecology, Ecosystem Governance


Presented at the Conference on Interfaces in the Repatriation and In Situ Conservation of Traditional Crops, University of Georgia, Athens, Ga., 30 April-1 May, 2004