Perrier Vittel pays French farmers to protect drinking water quality

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Perrier Vittel, a natural mineral water bottler, recognizes that protecting the source areas for their product is more efficient than mechanical purification or relocation. Watershed protection is occurring by the purchase of hydrologically sensitive areas and entering into long term contracts for improved agricultural practices and reforestation with local landowners. During the first seven years of the project approximately 24.5 million dollars has been spent on source water protection by the Vittel company. Additional research and agricultural improvement monies have come from the French National Agronomic Institute and the French Water Agencies.


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Water purification, Temperate zones, Payments for environmental services, Agricultural ecosystems, Surface water, Pollution control, Water quality, Water pollution, Agriculture, Property acquisition, Compensation for services, Bottled water, Dairy farming, Subsidies, Farm/Enterprise Scale Watershed
