Soil conservation in developing countries: Project and policy intervention

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Washington, D.C.: The World Bank


Soil degradation is a serious ecological and economic problem in many developing countries. This report provides a socioeconomic analysis of land degradation. It examines the effectiveness of a number of policies designed to help solve the problem. Many factors influence the decisions of farmers to adopt soil conservation measures. These include income, access to low-cost credit, educational level of farmers, access to sound technical advice, security of land tenure, high subsidies on agricultural supplies, and population pressures. The paper pays particular attention to price supports and taxes, the availability of new agricultural technology, and the attitude of farmers toward taking risks. The report describes what development agencies can do to promote soil conservation. It also outlines future directions for research in the field, particularly for the long-term. [CAB Abstract]


Metadata only record


Soil degradation, Soil erosion, Soil conservation, Soil management, Soil fertility, Soil quality, Soil, Conservation, Innovation adoption, Support measures, Projects, Governance


The World Bank, Policy and Research Series 8