Consuming the savings: Water conservation in a vegetation barrier system at the Central Plateau in Burkina Faso

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Netherlands, Wageningen: Wageningen University and Research Centre


The vast majority of land users at the Central Plateau of Burkina Faso make a living by farming small plots, where mainly staple crops are produced for subsistence use. Both area interventions and line interventions comprising indigenous techniques as well as introduced techniques can be encountered at the Central Plateau and have proved to be effective. There is a preference for semipermeable line measures that slow down runoff and prevent water logging in wet periods.



Drought, Ex situ conservation, Waterlogging, Soil quality, Food security, In situ conservation, Economic impacts, Rural development, Sustainable development, Surface water, Soil management, Environmental impacts, Land use management, Small-scale farming, Demonstrations, Rainfed agriculture, Adoption of innovations, Biodiversity, Semiarid zones, Water management, Soil degradation, Soil conservation, Soil fertility, Sustainable agriculture, Agroforestry, Water use, Ecological restoration, Alternative farming, Best management practices, Nutrient recycling, Sustainability, Soil organic matter, Farm/Enterprise Scale Field Scale
