Seed manual: Rural household seed security

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Harare, Zimbabwe: Project Small Scale Seed Production by Self Help Groups (SADC/GTZ)


This training manual on Small Scale Seed Production is meant to be used by the individual farmer or farmer group, the intermediary or extension worker, as well as the trainer(s) to train, elaborate, and execute a small scale seed production project. Nine instructional chapters focus on the following topics: introduction to the basic theoretical principles of food production, planning and implementation of seed production, project preparatory phase: training of trainers; small scale seed production process initiation: activities in year one; process continuation and farmer exposure: activities in year two; handing over process: activities in year three; breeding, multiplication and production: activities in year four onwards; commercialization of small scale seed production; and seed marketing.



Plants, Agriculture, Plant product, Plant breeding, Seeds, Manual, Field Scale


Seed Manual - Rural Household Seed Security. A comprehensive approach to improve quality seed availability for small-scale farmers