Resource accessibility and vulnerability in Andhra Pradesh: Caste and non-caste influences

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Oxford, UK: Blackwell Publishing on behalf of the Institute of Social Studies, the Hague


The paper is based on a field research study and it presents a resource accessibility vulnerability index for over 300 participants in rural coast Southern India. The index shows that accessibility of assets, public facilities, and political connections are primarily dependent on caste. Lower casts are marginalized, but they can use informal social networks to improve their resilience, especially through CBOs and NGOs. More than one third of women have access to other family members outside their own villages; these ties allow women access to other organizations. Men have more access to higher level government officials, and women have more networks with local community leaders.


Metadata only record


Gender, Social capital, Resource accessibility, Methodology, Vulnerability index, Informal social networks, Caste, Southern India


Development and Change 38(4): 615-640