Two Halves Make a Whole: Balancing Gender Relations in Development

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Ottawa, Canada: Canadian Council for International Co-operation


The invisibility of women in development results in significant problems with the implementation and sustainability of development processes and benefits. Recently, initiatives to include women's needs and interests have shifted focus from the exclusion of women in development work to the inequitable relations between men and women. Two Halves Make a Whole is a handbook designed to assist Canadian non-government organizations (NGOs) with practical tools to produce international development initiatives that strive to be effective and equitable. This kit combines an introduction to the gender and development approach with exercises and case studies for development training.


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Men, Women, Training, Gender, Nongovernmental organizations (NGOs), Development, Equity, Handbook, Exclusion, Developing countries, Economic development, Social development, Gender relations, Workshops, Case studies, Economic factors, Education, Farm/Enterprise Scale
