Conservation agriculture towards achieving food security in North East India

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Current Science Association


This article describes a study that measured the effects of conservation agriculture techniques on the hilly areas of the North Eastern Region of India. By utilizing techniques such as minimum tillage and crop residue retention, these researchers increased crop yields and improved soil quality. This study implies that adopting conservation agriculture practices throughout India could have larger implications for food security in this region, as well as for the mitigation of climate change through soil carbon accumulation in the soil.


Metadata only record


Carbon sequestration, Conservation agriculture, Soil management, Soil fertility, Soil quality, Food security, Conservation tillage, Soil organic matter, North eastern region of india, Resource conservation technique, Residue management, Crop yields, Minimum tillage, Conservation tillage, Zero tillage, Soil organic carbon, Biomass production, Soil carbon sequestration, Farm/Enterprise Scale Field Scale


Current Science 99(7): 915-921