Advancing Women at Virginia Tech: University Statistics 2007—2008

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Virginia Tech


AdvanceVT is a comprehensive program to promote and enhance the careers of women faculty at Virginia Tech, especially those in science and engineering fields, through institutional transformation. Each year AdvanceVT, with the assistance of the staff in Institutional Research, compiles statistics on the progress of hires, retention and the career advancement of women faculty at Virginia Tech. While much of this data focuses on the Colleges of Science and Engineering, AdvanceVT also collects data on colleges university wide, as well as at benchmark institutions. These data serve to inform the university community on the progress of AdvanceVT’s mission to promote and enhance the careers of women in academic science and engineering at Virginia Tech through institutional transformation. This poster includes charts and graphs that visually represent the progress of women faculty at Virginia Tech. Brief explanations are also provided to further clarify the data.


