Why California Needs Specific Educational Data On Asian Americans, Native Hawaiians, And Pacific Islanders

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Scholars Strategy Network


It is no secret that unequal access to education produces racial disparities in the United States – and the state of California is no exception. Many studies document how California’s public higher education system struggles to reduce disparities in college access and success for black and Latino students. Yet conversations about race and educational equity sometimes overlook the Asian Americans, Native Hawaiians, and Pacific Islanders who account for one in every seven people in the state. A persistent myth overstates the performance of Asian American students. Despite being people of color, they are often pigeonholed as “model minorities” who have figured out ways to overcome systemic barriers, pick themselves up by their bootstraps, and achieve educational success above and beyond other ethnic groups. However, this misleading model minority mythology has been fueled by mishandled and misleading educational data. They authors argue that a meaningful change cannot reproduce unless the data can be analyzed appropriately.



California--higher education, minority students, college admission, educational achievement, ethnic groups
