Yields and production rates of cosmogenic Li-9 and He-8 measured with the Double Chooz near and far detectors


The yields and production rates of the radioisotopes Li-9 and He-8 created by cosmic muon spallation on C-12, have been measured by the two detectors of the Double Chooz experiment. The identical detectors are located at separate sites and depths, which means that they are subject to different muon spectra. The near (far) detector has an overburden of approximate to 120 m.w.e. (approximate to 300 m.w.e.) corresponding to a mean muon energy of 32.1 +/- 2.0 GeV (63.7 +/- 5.5 GeV). Comparing the data to a detailed simulation of the Li-9 and He-8 decays, the contribution of the He-8 radioisotope at both detectors is found to be compatible with zero. The observed Li-9 yields in the near and far detectors are 5.51 +/- 0.51 and 7.90 +/- 0.51, respectively, in units of 10(-8-1)g(-1)cm(2). The shallow overburdens of the near and far detectors give a unique insight when combined with measurements by KamLAND and Borexino to give the first multi-experiment, data driven relationship between the Li-9 yield and the mean muon energy according to the power law and Y-0 = (0.43 +/- 0.11) x 10(-8-1)g(-1)cm(2). This relationship gives future liquid scintillator based experiments the ability to predict their cosmogenic Li-9 background rates.



Neutrino Detectors and Telescopes (experiments)
