Economic Analysis of an Aquaponic System for the Integrated Production of Rainbow Trout and Plants


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Commercial Fish and Shellfish Technologies Program, Virginia Tech


Conventional treatment alternatives for phosphorus in wastewater, whether they employ chemical precipitation, physical removal, or land application technologies, represent a significant additional cost to the owner of an aquaculture operation. Plant-based removal of nutrients has the potential to generate additional revenues, which can offset treatment costs. The objective of this analysis was to describe the economic relationship between a 22,680 kg per year recirculating rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss Walbaum) production system and a hydroponic treatment unit, growing 'Ostinata' lettuce (Lactuca sativa L.) and sweet basil (Ocimum basilicum L.), capable of reducing phosphorus concentration levels in the fish farm effluent to less than 0.1 mg/L. The integration of the fish and plant production system (aquaponics) produces economic cost savings over either system alone. Shared cost savings come from spreading out operating costs (e.g., management, water, nutrients, and overhead charges) and capital costs (e.g., backup generator, used truck, and office equipment) over the two systems. The investment analysis demonstrates the profitability of this combined system over its 20-year expected life. Net present values are positive for a wide range of discount'rates. Internal rate of return analysis shows that for a total investment of $244,720 this system can potentially provide a return of 12.5%. The hydroponic system drives the potential profitability of the combined system with 67% of annual returns derived from plant production.



Recirculating Aquaculture


Adler, P.R., Harper, J.K., Wade, E.M., Takeda, F. and Summerfelt, S.T., 2000. Economic Analysis of an Aquaponic System for the Integrated Production of Rainbow Trout and Plants. International Journal of Recirculating Aquaculture, 1(1). DOI: