Reframing Return on Investments for Tribal Colleges and Universities: Aligning Analyses with Tribal Priorities and Educational Missions

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Penn Center for Minority Serving Institutions


Since the 1950s, the value of education is increasingly evaluated in economic terms (Psacharopoulos & Patrinos, 2004). Students and societies wonder if the time, money and effort invested in educational enterprises will produce a return significant enough to merit their investment. This article discusses the history of return on investment (ROI) for educational institutions, the ROI literature for tribal colleges and universities (TCUs), complications of applying ROI to TCUs, severe data restrictions that prohibit outcomes analyses of TCUs, and how to reframe the ROI conversation for TCUs. It concludes with suggestions for alternative outcomes evaluation methods, indicates possible ways to address data challenges, and provides recommendations for future actions.



human capital, educational enterprises, tribal colleges, native students
