Synthesizing the Effects of Service Quality, Value, and Customer Satisfaction on Behavioral Intentions in the Motel Industry: An Empirical Analysis [Summary]
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This study determines that perceptual differences exist between Oceania (New Zealanders and Australians) and International motel customers. The results of this study reveal that Outcome Quality is the most important dimension in a motel stay, followed by Physical Environment Quality and then Interaction Quality. This finding suggests that moteliers participating in this study may want to initially focus their quality improvements on Outcome Quality, followed by Physical Environment Quality, and last on Interaction Quality. However, moteliers should be aware that the order of importance of the primary dimensions may vary for different geographic regions and for different cultures. Hierarchical studies on hotels and B&Bs would provide hospitality management with a valuable comparison of the higher order constructs and supporting dimensional structures across the three types of accommodation. This type of information should aid management in their strategic planning process and may help provide some synergies between service quality and customer satisfaction across all three types of accommodation.
The results of this research also provide moteliers with a better understanding of the effect that service quality and value (price) have on customer satisfaction and favorable future behavioral intentions. The results in this study show that improving motel customers’ perceptions of service quality should effectively raise satisfaction levels, and higher levels of satisfaction should ultimately lead to favorable behavioral intentions. In this vein, moteliers should always invest effort into providing a consistently reliable service to satisfy their customers.