Initial Steps for Pavement Management of the Unsealed Road Network


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The unsealed road network is vital in maintaining community access to rural and isolated locations however is typified by the high operating cost associated. This document covers the key initiatives undertaken with respect to obtaining value for money benefits through implementing better maintenance management practices on the gravel road network within Toowoomba Regional Council (TRC) in Queensland, Australia. It could be envisaged that revised strategies will surely offer optimum financial and service level benefits. The primary aim of this strategic level exercise was to identify pavement profile including layer thicknesses and respective material types, whilst also covering geometric profile, existing pavement condition and drainage/shoulder status. Pavement Management Services (PMS, formally known as FUGRO-PMS) carried out these assessment using Ground Penetrating Radar survey and Visual imagery. Collected and processed data will be analyzed by TRC's strategic asset engineers to develop and introduce robust maintenance & renewal strategies, and also to develop short, medium and long term forward work programmes.



Unsealed road network, Pavement management, Visual assessment, Pavement defects, Ground penetrating radar, Pavement profile


Davis, K., & Urbaez, E. (2015, June). Initial steps for pavement management of the unsealed road network. Paper presented at the 9th International Conference on Managing Pavement Assets, Alexandria, VA. Presentation retrieved from