Jequetepeque and Piura river basins Equitable Payment for Watershed Services project

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CARE Peru's and WWF Peru's Equitable Payment for Watershed Services (PWS) project is part of an international initiative supported by DANIDA and DGIS (Holland) in 5 countries of Asia, Africa and Latin America, to promote equitable compensation of hydrological services as a way of promoting sustainable development practices as well as the livelihoods of rural poor communities. The project will work on developing a business case for environmental services in two river basins in Northern Peru (the Jequetepeque River and the Piura River Basins, in the Departments of Cajamarca, La Libertad, and Piura). The project will focus on watershed protection services from natural forest and agroforestry systems and will explore and support other services' opportunities related to PWS, with an emphasis on community involvement and gender. In the long term, such services are expected to potentially benefit 80% of the population of Jequetepeque River Basin, and nearly 1 million inhabitants from the Piura River Basin.


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Flooding, Drought, Cattle, Payments for environmental services, Livelihoods, Water, Gender, Flood control, Community participation, Floods, Agriculture, Andean valleys, Dry and humid forests, Climate change, Forest landscape restoration, Tumbesian-andean valleys dry forests ecoregion, Mining, Equitable Payments for Watershed Services (PWS), Hydrological services, Watershed
