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Conservation agriculture for small holder rainfed farming: Opportunities and constraints of new mechanized seeding systems

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In the past, development and dissemination of conservation agriculture technologies, such as mechanized seeders and herbicides, has suited large-scale agricultural operations. Recent innovations specifically designed for smallholders have been developed in Brazil and introduced in Africa. These include animal-drawn rippers and direct seeders, which have produced equal yields to conventional tillage and seed broadcasting. However, more research is needed concerning weed management and place-based agro-ecological variance in order to further disseminate conservation agriculture technologies (and subsequent ecosystem services) to greater numbers of smallholder farmers.


Metadata only record


Rainfed agriculture, Small holder enterprise, Conservation agriculture, Indigenous community, Animal traction direct seeder, Jab-planter, Ripper tines, Seed drills, Strip tillage, Weed management, Farm/Enterprise Scale Field Scale Governance


Field Crops Research 132: 18-32