PES in Asia: Trends, lessons learned, best practices, and knowledge gaps

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Payment for environmental services programs across Asia are still at a relatively nascent stage and few cases of functioning PES markets actually exist. However, a number of pilot action sites and research indicate that emerging PES markets are at various stages of development. A regional assessment on PES is being undertaken, focusing on the enabling conditions across the region of Asia shaping PES programs, particularly related to watershed conservation and poverty alleviation. A close look at the long-term sustainability, effectiveness, and challenges faced in implementing PES is also being undertaken. Specific questions being addressed include: does PES actually change behaviors and create environmental stewards? Are service buyers/beneficiaries receiving environmental services in accordance to the terms and conditions of PES agreements? Are the intended environmental service/poverty alleviation benefits being achieved? The assessment will highlight the various trends, lessons learned, best practices, and knowledge gaps emerging from pilot action sites and research to enable practitioners, policy decision-makers, and donors to make more informed decisions on where efforts and investments are needed to support the development of PES programs in Asia.



Environmental services, Payments for environmental services, Natural resource management, Program planning, PES, Enabling conditions, Trends, Asia


Presented at the Global Event on Payments for Environmental Services Scientific Conference, Mataram, Lombok, Indonesia, 22-23 January 2007