Greenhouse gas mitigation in U.S. agriculture and forestry

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Washington, D.C.: American Association for the Advancement of Science


This paper discusses the economic and technical potential for sequestering carbon in the agriculture and forestry (AF) sectors of the United States. The authors apply an agricultural sector model that includes green house gases (ASMGHG) to assess the possibility of mitigating carbon emissions in AF. Although the findings suggest that AF strategies will not be sufficient to abate emissions to the extent required by Kyoto Protocol, incorporating AF mitigation into other conservation efforts could contribute significantly to reducing GHG emissions.


Metadata only record


Carbon sequestration, Soil management, Environmental impacts, Afforestation, Forestry, Economic modeling and analysis, Agriculture, Carbon dioxide (CO2), Kyoto Protocol, Greenhouse gases (GHGs), Sinks, Mitigation strategy, Soil carbon, Agricultural Sector Model (ASM), Economic potential, Emission abatement cost, Ecosystem Field Scale


Science 294(5551): 2481-2482