The role of social capital in the adoption and the performance of conservation agriculture: The practice of Likoti in Lesotho

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Rome, Italy: FAO


The citizens of Lesotho rely on a complex web of livelihood strategies made primarily of family kinships and strong community networks. Recently, community breakdowns have occurred because of extensive land degradation, soil erosion, widespread poverty, and HIV/AIDs. This thesis focuses on two aspects which are likely to help decrease the problems earlier stated. These aspects are to use conservation agriculture as an innovative set of sustainable agricultural practices and the appropriate inclusion of social capital aspects in development strategies which focus on innovation generation and diffusion.



Participatory processes, Social impacts, Conservation agriculture, Social learning, Social capital, Soil conservation, Famine, Soil fertility, Adoption of innovations, Agricultural innovation systems, Innovation process, Sustainable incentive schemes, Farm/Enterprise Scale


Ph.D. dissertation. Rome, Italy: Università degli Studi Roma Tre