Cassia occidentalis Toxicosis in Cattle
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United States: American Veterinary Medical Association
Results of this experiment indicate that Cassia occidentalis is a toxic plant capable of producing significant losses in cattle. The toxicologic syndrome in the acute form was characterized by sudden onset, recumbency, dark urine, and extensive myodegeneration. A chronic form of the condition may prove to be more important for livestock production, especially in areas where cattle have free access to the plant. Certain enzymic changes were marked a day or two before death. Hematologic changes were insignificant until 12 hours before death. Myopathic lesions in the hindlimbs were found consistently at necropsy.
Metadata only record
Grazing, Cattle, Cassia, Occidentalis, Toxicosis, Myodegeneration, Ecosystem Farm/Enterprise Scale Field Scale
Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association 151(6): 735-741