Giles County Animal Rescue


Giles County Animal Rescue is a volunteer organization located in Giles County, Virginia. This group of volunteers assists the Giles County Animal Shelter in placing animals in homes. They also campaign for awareness of the importance of spay/neuter. Since most of their information is accessed on the web, our client Christine Link-Ownes believes that it is important to have a website that is easy to use and update. For this project, we worked with our client and Giles County Animal Rescue to redesign their website, fix bugs, and add new functionality using Drupal. This included recreating the Giles County Animal Rescue website and adding features such as newsletters and animal statuses.


This submission contains several files, aside from the final report and the final presentation. Several videos are included, which were used as an extension of the Developer's Manual in the final report to help our client use her new site. These files can also be found on the website and may be viewed by administrators. The website can be found at


Drupal, Shelter, Web Design, Giles County, Animals, Video
