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Ensuring Roadway and Utility Financial Sustainability Through Right-of-Way Capital Planning & Optimization


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Tetra Tech, founded in 1966, generated $2.5 billion in revenue in 2014; has 14,000 employees worldwide; worked in more than 135 countries in 2014; and is publicly traded on NASDAQ as TTEK. The original objectives of the study described herein were to: 1) develop GIS based location referencing in support of not only PMS but also other linear assets; 2) develop a Life Cycle Cost-based strategy selection for all paved roads based on newly collected data; 3) compare the present condition of the network to the predicted condition in future years based on the current and alternate funding levels; and 4) provide information to allow the City of Saskatchewan to select annual funding level that will sustain the quality and value of the pavement network in the long-term.




Lombard, C., & Ruck, G. (2015, June). Ensuring roadway and utility financial sustainability through right-of-way capital planning & optimization. Paper presented at the 9th International Conference on Managing Pavement Assets, Alexandria, VA. Presentation retrieved from www.apps.vtti.vt.edu/PDFs/icmpa9/session12/Lombard.pdf