National Evaluation of Student Support Services: Examination of Student Outcomes After Six Years: Final Report


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U.S. Department of Education Office of Planning, Evaluation and Policy Development Policy and Program Studies Service


This is the final report of the National Evaluation of Student Support Services (SSS). SSS is one of eight federally funded grant programs that are administered as part of the Federal TRIO Programs within the U.S. Department of Education (ED). The SSS program, in particular, focuses on students while they are enrolled in college. In general, SSS provides the most services to first-year college students, though it does also provide services in later years. The purpose of the study was to estimate the effects of SSS on the outcomes of the student participants. The full report discusses five academic outcomes. For brevity, this summary focuses only on the key outcomes: retention in college, transfers from two-year to four-year institutions, and degree completion.



academic achievement, student support services, educational attainment, transfer students
