Multi-Hop User Equipment (UE) to UE Relays for MANET/Mesh Leveraging 5G NR Sidelink

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This paper provides use cases to adapt 5G sidelink technology to enable multi-hop User Equipment (UE)-to-UE (U2U) and UE-to- Network relaying in 3GPP standards. Such a capability could enable groups of users to communicate with each other when operating at the periphery or outside a network’s coverage area, with commercial and public safety benefits. This paper compares routing protocols to enable sidelink with U2U relay to support a Mobile Ad hoc Network (MANET). A gap analysis of current 3rd Generation Partnership Project (3GPP) Release 18 (R-18) specifications is performed to determine the missing procedures to enable multi-hop U2U relaying, along with a proposed candidate protocol to fill the gap. The candidate protocol can be submitted as a contribution to 3GPP TSG Service and System Aspects (SA) Working Group 2 (WG2) as proposed changes to the 5G architecture in 3GPP Release 19 (R-19).


