Integrating Gender in SANREM and Feed the Future Programs

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This presentation was developed for the SANREM Annual Meeting in May 2014 to give an overview of the gender approach in USAID's Feed the Future (FTF) Initiative and the SANREM IL's framework. It reviews the gendered dimensions that are considered in these projects and how they are integrated into FTF's Women's Empowerment in Agriculture Index (WEAI). The WEAI was implemented in and adapted for the Gender CCRA's research in Cambodia. This research found that Qualitative responses help contextualize the WEAI and enhance the understanding of men’s and women’s roles and responsibilities in agriculture. The presentation then reviews the rest of the Gender CCRA's work and notes the importance of addressing labor allocation, participatory processes, intra-household decision-making, access to assets, and spaces of information exchange in increasing gender equity and adoption in conservation agriculture.



Participatory processes, Social impacts, Culture, Women, Livelihoods, Gender, Empowerment, Local knowledge, Gender dimensions framework, weai, indicators, decision-making, labor, access, space, Governance


Presentation at the SANREM Annual Meeting in Alexandria, VA. May 21, 2014