In the Great Desert's Shadow

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Washington, D.C.: Washington Times Corp


This paper describes the sub-Saharan region of Africa, commonly known as the Sahel, and the environmental and economic issues the region faces. The author provides descriptions of the climate, landscape, and lifescape of the Sahel and explains their inextricable connectedness with the economy. There is an emphasis on the need for collaboration between the Sahelian countries as well as with international organizations.


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Rural development, Desertification, Research planning, Semiarid zones, Drought, Conflict, Rainfed agriculture, Food security, Water, Soil, Poverty, Vulnerability and risk, Income diversification, Natural resource management, Livestock, Low input agriculture, Sub-Saharan Africa, Sahel, Rainfall, Intertropical convergence zone (itcz), Climate change, Water scarcity, Water access, Population growth, Permanent interstate committee for drought control in the sahel (cilss), Sahelian institute, Nrm research pole, Ecosystem Governance


The World & I 14(12): 174-181