The discourse of advocacy coalitions: Desired futures and natural resource issues

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Quito, Ecuador


Using discourse analysis, this paper synthesizes, characterizes, and summarizes information gathered from in-depth interviews and focus groups with key representatives of civil society, state, and market-oriented entities that form existing or emergent advocacy coalitions. Other "data" include those obtained through interactions with many of the principals as a result of the involvement of the NGOs Heifer Project-Ecuador, the Institute for Ecuadorian Studies, and Terranueva in various development and research projects and training efforts in the Canton of Cotacachi. The focus is on three issues that are particularly compelling at the local level, but the six advocacy coalitions (two per issue) include institutions at various levels from the local to international. Those



Sustainable development, Water management, Culture, Conflict, Indigenous community, Civil society organizations (CSOs), Bioreserves, Water use, Community participation, Water rights, Institutional capacity building, Agencies, Empowerment, Decentralization, Democratization, Irrigation, Associations, Local governance, Collective action, Discourse analysis, Peasants, Hacendados, Ecuador, Decision-making process, Advocacy coalitions, Environmental education, Nudist vivo (nvivo), Recc, Mineral extraction, World Bank, Water scarcity, Ecosystem Governance
