Latino Students and the Educational Pipeline, Part III: Pathways to the Bachelor's Degree for Latino Students

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The Educational Policy Institute


This report is one of a series of three reports on Latino students in the educational pipeline. The purpose of this series is to provide a sense of the challenges facing Latino youth compared to White youth on the pathways to postsecondary education and the baccalaureate. The series relies on data from the National Educational Longitudinal Study (NELS), sponsored by the National Center for Education Statistics in 1988 to follow 8th grade students from middle school through to the workforce. In total, over 26,000 8th-grade students were surveyed in 1988, with follow-up surveys in 1990 (10th grade), 1992 (12th grade), 1994 (2 years after scheduled high school graduation), and finally in 2000 (8 years after scheduled high school graduation). NELS gives us the best glimpse of students in and beyond the educational pipeline in America.



access to higher education, Hispanic students, Latino students, academic achievement, labor market
