Gas discharge lamp inverter with a wide input voltage range
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A gas discharge lamp driving circuit reduces input power at start-up mode through the utilization of input power diodes and stress capacitors in parallel therewith. The circuit includes a blocking filter for filtering an AC voltage signal, and a rectifier for rectifying the signal into a DC voltage. A smoothing capacitor smooths the voltage, and an inverter, having switches, converts the DC voltage into a high frequency AC voltage. A control circuit controls the switches of the inverter to turn on and off in a feedback manner. A resonant tank is connected to the inverter, and includes a resonant capacitor and a resonant inductor. A discharge lamp is connected to the resonant tank, in parallel with the resonant capacitor. A modulation capacitor is provided for reducing a distortion of the input current to the resonant circuit. The at least two input power diodes and the stress capacitors are connected between the rectifier and the smoothing capacitor, such that a discharge time of the stress capacitors delays a turn-on time of the input power diodes, to reduce input power at start-up.