The International Food Policy Research Institute: Sustainable solutions for ending hunger and poverty
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The International Food Policy Research Institute(IFPRI) mainly works for sustainable food security and end of world hunger. The vision of this organization is to make the world free from hunger and malnutrition and where food policy decisions are transparent with participation of consumers and producers. This organization operates in five different regions including North Africa and Middle East, Sub-Saharan Africa, South Asia and Central Asia, East Asia and Southeast Asia, and Central America, South America and Caribbean. IFPRI's area of research includes food prices, globalization, markets & WTO; agriculture and health; bio-energy, climate change, global change, and HIV/AIDS. Its website has a database of its all publications in different languages such as English, Arabic, Chinese, Deutsch (German), Spanish, French, Japanese, and Portuguese. It also has datasets and IFPRI encourages their use in research and policy analysis with proper citation.