Effects of climatic change on a water dependent regional economy: A study of the Texas Edwards Aquifer

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Netherlands: Kluwer Academic Publishers


This study uses the case study of the San Antonio Texas Edwards Aquifer region to examine the projected impacts of global climate change on regional water demand and supply. The authors address the economic impacts and the damage and sectoral reallocation of water resources that climate change causes in water short regions. Their model, which includes hydrology and economic factors in a regional assessment, suggests that there will be an increase in demand for water resources and a decrease in availability, resulting in an annual loss of 2.2-6.8 million for the region. The authors also find that protection of endangered species requires that springflows remain at their current levels, which can be achieved by decreasing pumping rates by 9 to 20%.


Metadata only record


Water policy, Groundwater, Dryland farming, Water management, Environmental impacts, Quality of life, Irrigated farming, Modeling, Endangered species, Economic impacts, Irrigation, Water use, Biodiversity conservation, Environmental degradation, Water scarcity, Aquifer, Crop productivity, Climate change, Recharge, Watershed


Climatic Change 49: 397-409