Propagation of hippocampal ripples to the neocortex by way of a subiculum-retrosplenial pathway

dc.contributor.authorNitzan, Noamen
dc.contributor.authorMcKenzie, Samen
dc.contributor.authorBeed, Prateepen
dc.contributor.authorEnglish, Daniel Fineen
dc.contributor.authorOldani, Silviaen
dc.contributor.authorTukker, John J.en
dc.contributor.authorBuzsáki, Györgyen
dc.contributor.authorSchmitz, Dietmaren
dc.contributor.departmentSchool of Neuroscienceen
dc.description.abstractBouts of high frequency activity known as sharp wave ripples (SPW-Rs) facilitate communication between the hippocampus and neocortex. However, the paths and mechanisms by which SPW-Rs broadcast their content are not well understood. Due to its anatomical positioning, the granular retrosplenial cortex (gRSC) may be a bridge for this hippocampo-cortical dialogue. Using silicon probe recordings in awake, head-fixed mice, we show the existence of SPW-R analogues in gRSC and demonstrate their coupling to hippocampal SPW-Rs. gRSC neurons reliably distinguished different subclasses of hippocampal SPW-Rs according to ensemble activity patterns in CA1. We demonstrate that this coupling is brain state-dependent, and delineate a topographically-organized anatomical pathway via VGlut2-expressing, bursty neurons in the subiculum. Optogenetic stimulation or inhibition of bursty subicular cells induced or reduced responses in superficial gRSC, respectively. These results identify a specific path and underlying mechanisms by which the hippocampus can convey neuronal content to the neocortex during SPW-Rs. Communication between the hippocampus and neocortex is organized through high frequency sharp wave ripple activity. Here, the authors report ripple activity coupling between the hippocampus and granular retrosplenial cortex suggesting an involvement in communicating with the neocortex.en
dc.description.notesThe authors would like to thank Dr. Ofer Yizhar for providing the Cre-Off virus and Zachery Saccomano for providing software used in this study. We thank Dr. Nikolaus Maier and Constance Holman for insightful comments on earlier versions of the manuscript. We also thank Susanne Rieckmann and Anke Schonherr for excellent technical assistance. We thank SciDraw (Jason Keller) for the mouse brain schematic. This study was supported by grants from the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG, German Research Foundation): Exc 2049, SFB 1315 (Project-ID 327654276), SPP 1665; the BMBF: 01GQ1420B, the National Institute of Health (U19NS104590), and a BrainPlay-ERC-Synergy grant. S.M. was funded by NIMH, K99 MH118423. P.B. was supported by a BIH Delbruck Fellowship (Stiftung Charite).en
dc.description.sponsorshipDeutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG, German Research Foundation)German Research Foundation (DFG) [SFB 1315, 327654276, SPP 1665, BMBF: 01GQ1420B, Exc 2049]; National Institute of HealthUnited States Department of Health & Human ServicesNational Institutes of Health (NIH) - USA [U19NS104590]; NIMHUnited States Department of Health & Human ServicesNational Institutes of Health (NIH) - USANIH National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH) [K99 MH118423]; BIH Delbruck Fellowship (Stiftung Charite); BrainPlay-ERC-Synergy granten
dc.rightsCreative Commons Attribution 4.0 Internationalen
dc.titlePropagation of hippocampal ripples to the neocortex by way of a subiculum-retrosplenial pathwayen
dc.title.serialNature Communicationsen
dc.typeArticle - Refereeden


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