Get the Facts - Carbs

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Virginia Tech


Myth: Carbs are bad. Fact: Okay this one really bugs me. With the fad diets exploding over the past few years, I have been told this statement more times than I would like to count. I think the biggest culprit of the perpetuation of this myth is the Paleo diet. Here is the logic behind the myth: I stopped eating carbohydrates from the Paleo and Atkins diet, therefor the carbs made me fat. One main problem with this is that there are a lot of other factors contributing to the weight loss that has not been accounted for. With any of the low carb diets, people end up overall eating less. This may be due to the large carbohydrate prevalence in the American diet and/or the fact that people do not know what to eat that has low carbs so they just don’t eat as much. Either way there are plenty of other reasons that may contribute to the weight loss


