Creating a Smart Connected Corridor to Support Research into Connected and Automated Vehicles


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SAFE-D: Safety Through Disruption National University Transportation Center


As connected and automated vehicle (CAV) technologies rapidly advance from concept to in-vehicle testing, real-world testbeds equipped with the appropriate technologies to support testing of these vehicles is a requirement.Testing must occur on multiple fronts, including communications and safety, to fully explore and vet the non-traditional methods these vehicles will use for communication, as well as to understand the potential benefits ofthese approaches. While the testbed must be equipped with traditional Intelligent Transportation Systemmonitoring equipment and the new infrastructure elements to support CAV applications, it should also bedesigned as a flexible and extensible environment to support future needs. Within such a testbed, researchquestions concerning system design and safety application development issues can be addressed. This researchproject was intended to define the needs and requirements for a CAV testbed plan. The project was successful indefining needs and requirements, establishing a plan that was approved by all operating agencies, and securinginitial funding. Ultimately, the testbed was not constructed



connected and automated vehicles (CAV), testbed
