DLA Annual Report for 2001/2002


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Digital Library and Archives at Virginia Tech's University Libraries


For the first time since the Scholarly Communications Project and the Special Collections Department merged, the Digital Library and Archives began to work as a cohesive unit. With all vacancies filled and the addition of term appointments, the department has had time to plan (see DLA Goals App. A) for the future instead of just reacting to current demands or crises. DLA preserved, organized, and made accessible historical and current resources, and provided reference, instruction, and access to the unique resources in our rare books, manuscript, and archival collections. In addition, DLA worked with the university community to help them create online resources and to use digital library resources and services. More ETDs and digital images were available through systems designed and maintained by the department. Like University Libraries, DLA is dedicated to meeting the university community’s information, curricular, and research needs wherever they are located. DLA collaborated with members of the university community to collectively position the university as a top-tier research institution.


