Adoption of integrated vegetable agroforestry systems (VAF) among smallholder upland farmers in the Philippines


This brief presentation offers an overview of LTRA-5 activities in the Philippines, with particular attention the TMPEGS framework of technology, markets, policy, environmental impacts, gender and scaling up. The particular location of Lapantan is also fleshed out in detail in terms of its potential for providing access to local and national markets for VAF products. The research affiliated with the presentation was recognized a 2008 Best Paper at Central Mindanao University.



Local markets, Livelihoods, Agroforestry, Sustainability, Small holder enterprise, Farming systems, Vegetable agroforestry systems, Technology adoption, Farm/Enterprise Scale Field Scale


Presented at Central Mindano University "In House Review of Ongoing and Completed Research in Development", Mindanao, Philippines, July 2008