AERIS: Eco-driving Application Development and Testing

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United States. Department of Transportation. Research and Innovative Technology Administration


This exploratory study investigates the potential of developing an Eco-Driving application that utilizes an eco-cruise control (ECC) system within state-of-the-art car-following models. The research focuses on integrating predictive cruise control and optimal vehicle acceleration and deceleration controllers within car-following models to minimize vehicle fuel consumption levels. This system makes use of topographic information, spacing to lead vehicle, and a desired (or target) vehicle speed and distance headway as input variables.



Intelligent transportation systems (ITS), Cruise control, State of the art, Car following, Power trains, Fuel consumption, Safety and security, Highway transportation, Energy and environment, AERIS, Vehicle emissions reduction strategies, Eco-driving, Eco-cruise control, Vehicle fuel consumption modeling, Vehicle powertrain modeling


Rakha, H. A., Ahn, K., & Park, S. (2013). Predictive eco-cruise control (ecc) system: Model development, modeling and potential benefits. (VCTIR 13-R9). Washington, DC: United States. Department of Transportation. Research and Innovative Technology Administration. Retrieved from