Low-volume roads engineering: Best management practices field guide

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This Low-Volume Roads Engineering Best Management Practices Field Guide is intended to provide an overview of the key planning, location, design, construction, and maintenance aspects of roads that can cause adverse environmental impacts and to list key ways to prevent those impacts. Best Management Practices are general techniques or design practices that, when applied and adapted to fit site specific conditions, will prevent or reduce pollution and maintain water quality. BMPs for roads have been developed by many agencies since roads often have a major adverse impact on water quality, and most of those impacts are preventable with good engineering and management practices. Roads that are not well planned or located, not properly designed or constructed, not well maintained, or not made with durable materials often have negative effects on water quality and the environment.


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Soil erosion, Water quality, Transportation infrastructure, Best management practices, Road design, Drainage, Hydrology, Engineering, Watershed
