Ethnopedology Annotated Bibliography: CCRA-7

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Blacksburg, VA: SANREM CRSP


This is an updated annotated bibliography of ethnopedology articles created for the Gender CCRA-7 Gendered Perspectives for Conservation Agriculture: Local soil knowledge and crop-livestock interaction from 2010-2011. This bibliography was used to inform field methods, student thesis work, and the CCRA-7 Research Strategy.



Community institutions, Experiential learning, Social capital, Land use planning, Food security, GIS, Conservation, Community participation, Traditional farming, Farm planning, Ethnicity/race, Community management, Sustainable development, Soil management, Small-scale farming, Government institutions, Farmer to farmer, Empowerment, Community development, Shifting cultivation, Adoption of innovations, Nongovernmental organizations (NGOs), Culture, Indigenous community, Gender, Sustainable agriculture, Local knowledge, Participatory processes, Research planning, Community-based organizations, Land tenure, Resource management tools, Natural resource management, Local governance, Local soil knowledge systems, Soil management systems, Ethnopedology, Field methods, Ecosystem Farm/Enterprise Scale Field Scale Governance Watershed
