Factors influencing the bioavailability of some selected elements in the agricultural soil of a geologically varied territory: The Campania region (Italy) case study

dc.contributor.authorGuarino, Annaliseen
dc.contributor.authorAlbanese, Stefanoen
dc.contributor.authorCicchella, Domenicoen
dc.contributor.authorEbrahimi, Pooriaen
dc.contributor.authorDominech, Salvatoreen
dc.contributor.authorPacifico, Lucia Ritaen
dc.contributor.authorRofrano, Giuseppeen
dc.contributor.authorNicodemo, Federicoen
dc.contributor.authorPizzolante, Antonioen
dc.contributor.authorAllocca, Carolinaen
dc.contributor.authorRomano, Nunzioen
dc.contributor.authorDe Vivo, Benedettoen
dc.contributor.authorLima, Annamariaen
dc.description.abstractBioavailability of some major and trace elements was evaluated in 1,993 topsoil samples collected across Campania region (Southern Italy). A main focus was made on Al, Ca, K, Mg, Cu, Tl since they are linked, for different reasons, to agriculture. Bioavailability was assessed by an extraction with ammonium nitrate and the data were compared with the pseudo-total concentration determined by Aqua Regia digestion. Geochemical maps of the pseudo-total and bioavailable concentrations were generated using a multifractal inverse distance weighted (MIDW) interpolation. In addition, the spatial distribution patterns of the percent bioavailability of elements, based on the ratio among bioavailable and the pseudo-total fractions, were also determined. The median value of the percent bioavailability showed the order Ca > K >> Mg. Tl >> Cu >> Al and it represents a positive finding in terms of both agricultural productivity and environmental quality. Further, a multiple linear regression was finally applied to data to unveil any dependence of the bioavailable fraction on the pseudo-total content of elements. The grain size distribution and organic matter content of samples were later included to evaluate their possible role in promoting the environmental availability of elements. The pseudo-total concentrations of Al, Ca, K, and Mg alone resulted to be poorly able to predict the variability of the bioavailable fraction. The addition of the grain size distribution and organic matter content to the models expanded the predictive capability of Ca, K, and Mg whereas a marginal improvement was showed by Al, Cu, and Tl. This study represents a methodological contribution to a better understanding of the processes underlying the spatial variability of chemical elements in soil. Considering the positive outcomes obtained, further researches were planned to include more variables (e.g. soil pH, redox potential, content in Iron and Manganese oxides, etc.) in the predictive models.en
dc.description.notesThe work has been supported by the Istituto Zooprofilattico Sperimentale del Mezzogiorno (IZSM) by means of the Contract with the Dipartimento di Scienze della Terra, dell'Ambiente e delle Risorse (DiSTAR), University of Napoli Federico II in the framework of the "Campania Trasparente - Attivita di monitoraggio integrato per la Regione Campania" Project funded in the framework of Del.G.R. n. 497/2013: Fondo per le Misure Anticiliche e la Salvaguardia dell'Occupazione - Azione B4 ?Mappatura del Territorio" approved with Executive Decree DG "Sviluppo Economico" n.585, September 14, 2015 (Research Unit Responsibles: Prof. B. De Vivo, Prof. Stefano Albanese).en
dc.description.sponsorshipIstituto Zooprofilattico Sperimentale del Mezzogiorno (IZSM); University of Napoli Federico II; Campania Trasparente - Attivita di monitoraggio integrato per la Regione Campania; Dipartimento di Scienze della Terra, dell'Ambiente e delle Risorse (DiSTAR); Fondo per le Misure Anticiliche e la Salvaguardia dell'Occupazione - Azione B4 ?Mappatura del Territorio"; [Del.G.R. n. 497/2013]en
dc.description.versionPublished versionen
dc.rightsCreative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 Internationalen
dc.subjectAmmonium nitrateen
dc.subjectAqua Regiaen
dc.subjectGeochemical mappingen
dc.subjectRegression analysisen
dc.titleFactors influencing the bioavailability of some selected elements in the agricultural soil of a geologically varied territory: The Campania region (Italy) case studyen
dc.typeArticle - Refereeden


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